Breath of the Wild is a beautiful game

Breath of the Wild is a beautiful game.
I've been playing since the 90s, although not perfect, I think it's the best game I've ever played bar none.

Attached: BOTW.jpg (3587x2011, 2.18M)

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It's my favorite Zelda game, but I was also never part of the "OoT is best" crowd. ALttP was always better imo.

Art style is everything

Attached: IMG_20200731_113112.jpg (1638x902, 192.51K)

Great job on making a mediocre looking game look even worse.

its a whole lot of nothing

Attached: 1590194097250.png (1280x720, 1.78M)

looks like UE4 shit with those lights

Absolutely agree with you.
I wish more developers understood this.

That just isn't true, the world is huge with a ton of things to do.

Attached: BOTW 2.jpg (3840x2160, 2.42M)


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