>he plays as female
explain yourself 4channelers.
>he plays as female
explain yourself 4channelers.
screams and groans female characters make when they get hit make my pp hard
I don't believe in immersion. The character is just a character.
>tfw gay
I found that people online are more likely to give you items, help you out, or go easy on you if you have a female avatar.
It's fun to mess with thirsty betas who delude themselves into thinking being nice to a girl in a game will get them sex.
I'm not a self inserting faggot. I also enjoy looking at cute girls.
I just cant bring myself to play as a female character when I have the choice, especially in multiplayer games. It makes me feel like other people see me as a female, I cant even play female characters in mobas because of this.
this is how chad thinks beta think playing as female is ok.