What is the hardest you've ever raged at a video game?
What is the hardest you've ever raged at a video game?
I didn't rage but my dad beat me pretty hard after he heard me say "so no Chell titties?" during Portal 2 Co-Op
No one can rage hard enough to destroy a GC controller, those things are damn near indestructible.
remember those "infected" zombies from Dead Island? Those absolutely broken and buggy enemies that would run at you at about 45 miles an hour end then endlessy slap you while you could do nothing? Yeah, i got killed by one of those for the 6 gorillianth time and i was so pissed i smashed my fist on the table and broke the bone in my hand under the pinky. It must have hit at just the right angle.
I got so frustrated at dota 2 that next game I picked omniknight and went carry CS position 1 while being a dickhead to my teammates.
Hit my girlfriend with my switch
I am only self destructive, I have slapped myself several times.
I sighed, closed the game (through the options, not Alt+F4), got up, and made myself a glass of ovaltine.
If your break anything from rage at a game, you are a literal manchild
Oh Jesus, here they come. The people who are so perfect they have to discourage discussion of entertaining posts about human flaws. Fuck off dork.