ITT games that have been sitting in your backlog
ITT games that have been sitting in your backlog
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Not even very good outside of its admittedly excellent visuals
hollow knight
mount and blade
there are many
I bought some package of games a long time ago that included every prince of persia game. I cant remember what game was in the collection I bought it for but I haven't played any of them.
I at least recommend Hollow Knight. Zig Forums calls it a Reddit game, but they call everything Reddit these days
I swear to god Blasphemous looks so so good but it's so so boring
I played 2 hours of this game and hated it, mainly because of the cheap deaths caused by platform parts or the collision with a ladder not working.
After a year I played again and liked it, maybe because I took a different path or because the guys released updates that fixed some collision problems, I don't know...
Either way, it's a 6.5/10 game.
I'm not huge into metroidvania. In fact I think most of them suck and the rest are 8/10 at best. but it does look pretty at least. Been putting it off since I hear it's long though
Ni No Kuni 2