Does this happen to your chairs?

In my childhood home, all our faux leather office chairs wear away bit by bit into little weird fabric flakes after use. I’ve had pic related since 2014 and it’s only now starting to rapidly deteriorate. Do modern gayming chairs have this problem or do I just have a really cheap chair?

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lose weight, fatty

Stop farting in your chair

there's your problem

you fat ass farting bastard

Get a tough-ass cactus leather chair.

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Conceptualize the aroma

I'd try to eat it though

my headset did that too

Attached: J0ZlOmn.jpg (768x576, 63.58K)

Fuck, mine did the same shit. I feel like they're just cheap materials that wear down easily over not a long period of time. I reckon it's true of OPs pick as well.