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out of season april fools joke

out of season april fools joke

out of season april fools joke


there does need to be a sort of internet video/celebrity board
people want to talk about it but they cant anywhere, except Zig Forums


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there does need to be a sort of internet video/celebrity board
people want to talk about it but they cant anywhere, except Zig Forums

Where is this heading?

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there is a new vrpg board? fucking why?
why give a genre a board, you can talk about those games on Zig Forums or /vg/
there needs to be a youtube board, or internet media board or something

They fuck, that's it

Postan in a furry incest thread.

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generic furry incest comic, they fuck and thats all.

But then it ends up being like /req/ where every boards requests end up going so it’s a diluted version of every board.

damn that sounds hot

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How fucking basic are you

Jokes aside, why isn't there an e-celeb board?
>threads about a game devs lefty politics
>twitter screencap
>youtuber thread
>twitch thread
>internet drama
What the fuck is Hiro and the faggot mods smoking?

>great premise wasted on zoophile garbage

I hate that.

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Because Kiwi Farms exists.

Okay link some better comics

>people want to talk about it but they cant anywhere
Fuck off to twitter, reddit, kiwifarms or discord you pathetic gossiping losers.

I see sibling incest I get boner
simple as

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this is basic bitch anthro garbage. zoophile is fucking actual real life animals. please use terms correctly or else you sound like an idiot.

Kiwi Farms is gay and tends to have a shit ton of disinfo and misinformation.

if you insist

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>Sibling incest
>Not deer spirit fucking
Thread saying spam is just not the same

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You just described every e-celeb/celeb discussion anywhere ever.

Why is there yet another fucking Zig Forums board?

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they are multiplying

>people want to talk about it but they cant anywhere, except Zig Forums
"people" you mean retarded newfag underaged tourist fuck off and die there never will be a faggot eceleb board keep crying about it no one who is actually 18+ gives a shit about that crap

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You sound like one of those retards who insists that "bisexual" and "pansexual" are different, or that "woman" and "female bodied" are different.

Go be insane somewhere else.

Why not? They should make a board for every genre.

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I don't like it either but a e-celeb board will get rid of the e-celeb gossip on Zig Forums. Deleting threads clearly isn't helping. They even hit reply limit sometimes.

What a classic.

based furryshitter

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It is different, anthro is technically human while zoo is fully animal. It's basically the same as thundercats

So...Zig Forums?

safe for work Zig Forums and non safe for work Zig Forums there you priblems are fixed without brining in actually retarded eceleb loving cuck ass faggot cancer shitting up the board why di you think that a internert celeb board would contain those faggots it wont

edits when?

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every time you post this shit I have to fap fucking stop it

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