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w-what the fuck is this?
Remember when zelda used to be good? Before skyward sword I mean
Sell me your hack user.
Too busy with this to know
Is this an original adventure or an ocarina with addons? Explain
The writing on the intro is pretty fucking bad, like pokemon romhack tier bad. Hopefully the actual level design is better.
>just patch your own rom
fuck you, post link retard
Is it worth my time?
Is there a prepatched link to the game?
On my Wii, family.
I beat the first temple so far. It's definitely the best OoT hack. The areas are kinda big, and there are so many areas it lets you go before you're supposed to go there... I can't really believe someone would spend so much time making a game they can't profit off it. My only complaint so far is that a lot of rooms feel kinda empty
My favorite Zelda rom hack has gotta be Zelda; Mystery of the Magic Dingus
The missing link is much better. Why is nobody talking about it?
Have these always been a thing? Never heard of this shit until the other day.
What the fuck is this?
Finished it days ago. Great hack, but fuck Death Mountain and Zora's Domain.
Just started playing it.
Seems interesting, will definitely finish it.
You gotta help me user, where's the puzzle to open up the world after death mountain?
There a waterfall right at the entrace of Zora's River. Climb the waterfall and enter inside.
it's short so there's not much to talk about. For what it was it was great though. Easily the most polished OoT hack.
sorry but all zelda games are single-player RPGs so threads about them must be contained to thank you for understanding
I've not been paying attention to the OoT hacking scene for a long time now. Outside of randomizers, the last I looked into it, there were only really two big hacks: Zelda's Birthday, which was cool even if it wasn't very good and crashed all the time, just because it was the first of its kind, and Voyager of Time, which was pretty garbage since it didn't really change much and just felt like playing OoT with a slightly different story.
I saw all the hype about the Missing Link, and now this, what other significant hacks have I missed in the last few years?
Hey dude Link Between Worlds was good.
Also have there been any good MM hacks or is it mostly just OoT getting all the love?
Is it worth the download?
The Missing Link was fun but too short.
Never tried a randomizer. Are they fun? I kinda see the appeal trying to test your game knowledge but I don't know any glitches outside of Infinite Sword glitch
Yeah, my thoughts exactly when watching this
Some garbage tier middle school fanfic writing.
Personally the thing that turned me off the most was first impressions of the world.
Super samey muddled brown/green textures everywhere. At a glance the levels have a feel of being poorly laid out/designed. The kind that the creator thought it was "super cool looking" in his head but end up being a bitch to understand and traverse.
Because a short Zelda game is just a shitty puzzle game.
Nimpize Adventure is decent.
You crashed Zelda's birthday, you rascal?
can i play this shit via dolphin or am i gonna have to look at which n64 emu is best these days
You don't need glitches to play and complete the randomizer!
Nimpize adventure is a full length hack with a lot of custom maps. It redoes a lot of the original OoT temples kind of like Petrie's Challenge if you remember that one.
There's been a few short and sweat hacks like Missing Link and Dawn and Dusk.
Check Hylian Modding, they have a more comprehensive list.
Full release when
No glitches are expected or required unless you turn on certain settings.
I've never played OoT randomizer but I've played and had a good time with ALttP randomized. It's fun to do once in a while, but it isn't something I could play day in and day out like some people. You can customize the logic such that you don't need any glitches to beat the game, so you don't have to worry about that.
good randomizers will avoid gating items behind their respective gates
what i found turbofun was the super mario 3 randomizer
Now this looks way too edgy.
Thank you user, I am going to check all of those out. I'm really glad OoT hacking has come so far since I last paid attention to it.
Glitchless logic is the default setting
Is it easy to install these romhacks?
and is there a preferred emulator to use to do so?
There's even a website for it and shit, that's cool.
I thought I had to download some executable and mess around with settings, they made it so user friendly nice.