the original nogamesstation
The original nogamesstation
Yet 90% of the games people discuss from that era were on n64. Makes you think, huh.
The N64 had plenty of good games.
absolutely delusional
games like MGS and FFVII defined the generation
OP wasn't alive, he wouldn't know. Just stirring up shit as usual.
Small but good library.
yet ocarina of time still regularly ranks number 1 on top 100 best games of all time lists. really makes you think, huh
The ps1 had no games too
That generation had a few good gems on every console but in general it was awful
>play ocarina and fzero once
>collects dust for the next 5 years
>remember it exists and play smash brothers with family and friends
>m-m-muh zelda
every time
N64kids are so....predictable.
seething saturn faggot
>N64kids are so....predictable.
Because Nintendo games are critically acclaimed without end.
only because it’s true
90% of the ps1 library was trash rpgs
heres a few more
Majoras mask
Smash 64
Mario 64
Mario kart
Mischief makers
Yoshis story
Donkey kong 64
Pokemon stadium
Banjo kazooie
Banjo kazooie 2
Conkers bad fur day
Star wars episode 1 racer
Custom robo
F zero
Puyopuyo 4
Sin and punishment
Custom robo
Perfect dark
Golden eye
Mario golf
Mario party 1-3
Diddy kong racing
Paper mario
Doom 64
Duke nukem
I have that blue nigga. Good times.
The n64 had fewer but way better games than the competition
The games were all focused on the gameplay rather than the story, they all embraced the 3d, and they aged way better than ps1 games
Ocarina of Time shat on every game ever made for the ps1
It was the original BOTW, a game that absolutely shatters the minds of owners of the opposite console. To the point they can't shut the fuck up about the game because they seethe SO HARD they have to lie to themselves around the clock just to keep the cognitive dissonance in check that their console was BTFO by ONE (1) game
name 1 game on the n64 that wasnt made for kids
>Majoras mask
>Smash 64
>Mario 64
>Mario kart
>Mischief makers
>Yoshis story
>Donkey kong 64
>Pokemon stadium
>Banjo kazooie
overrated but good
>Banjo kazooie 2
>Conkers bad fur day
edgy shit
>Star wars episode 1 racer
>Custom robo
>F zero
>Puyopuyo 4
>Sin and punishment
>Custom robo
you said that already
>Perfect dark
>Golden eye
>Mario golf
>Mario party 1-3
>Diddy kong racing
>Paper mario
super was better
>Doom 64
>Duke nukem
Thanks man, I've been looking for a complete list of n64 releases for ages.
You know what's good about them? They're all about GAMEPLAY
You literally cant make a list of the same caliber with ps1 games without 2/3 of them being crappy rpgs
Even the supposedly best one of them, ff vii, is trash. Let's be totally honest here, ff vii was only fun at the midgar section. After that, all semblance of atmosphere and story pacing gets throw out the window
majoras mask
its so atmospheric and dark and deep and cryptic with epic symbolism
>Yet 90% of the games people discuss from that era were on n64. Makes you think, huh.
seethe harder snoyboy
This. N64 has aged better than the Playstation easily.
Doom 64
Resident Evil 2
rent free
also a ps1 game
The only shit I see is your taste, also just because a game is overrated doesn’t change the fact that it’s better than 90% of the shit on the Saturn and PSX
24 years later and Saturn kids are still mad.
literally shit for children. MGS blows the fuck out of all them
n64 library consists of
>bing bing wahoo platformers
>very shitty fps games
>very shitty racing games
>party games
>zelda poggers!!!
that's literally it
MGS has shit gameplay.
>its the asshurt mgs schizo who kept getting asshurt in the nintendo leak threads
jesus christ don't you have anything better to do lmao
Fucking MGS alone stomps your whole nigtendo library into the dust.
Not a single fucking decent RPG on that entire console, none.
The fucking PS1 had Tomb raider, resident evil, silent hill, MGS, final fantasy, breath of fire, tekken, Front mission, dino crisis, medal of honour, medievil, spyro etc.
And god knows how many "solid" titles like Jackie Chan stuntmaster, and the syphon filter games.
The n64 was a console for well known Nintendo titles, that's what you went after if you owned one.
The ps1 was what the cool kids owned.
It was either that or back to mario.
>Fucking MGS alone stomps your whole nigtendo library into the dust.
MGS isn't even that good a game, the gameplay sucks.
>Not a single fucking decent RPG on that entire console, none.
Same thing with Playstation.