Why did zoomers hate it so much?
Why did zoomers hate it so much?
why did ninduumors hate it so much
More like it had a terrible name and marketing so nobody knew what the fuck it was without clarification.
How ? Zoomers loved it or simply ignored it because they were too young to buy one
Everyone ignored it. The market for a regular old Nintendo console isn't that large. The Wii was lightning in a bottle and the Switch is also a handheld that gets Animal Crossing and Pokemon. The Nintendo 64 and GameCube were dwarfed in sales by the PlayStation 1 and 2. This happened despite those consoles being competitive in terms of power and getting respectable third-party support. The GameCube got a decent amount of the latest third-party games. But when Nintendo started making systems that were a generation behind in terms of power, they were no longer an option for people looking for a console that would play the latest games. So the Wii U was like the Nintendo 64 and the GameCube, only Nintendo had to support it alone. They did a worthy job, putting out a lot of great games for it, but it failed nevertheless.
Build quality akin to a Leapfrog toy.
The only game that utilized the gamepad well was bundled with the system, and the best game on the system doesn't use the gamepad at all.
Mario 3D world uses the gamepad for second screen
How to spotted BotWfag, lmao.
Your game is shit and worst in Wii U library.
Do you even own one? It's way sturdier than Switch.
The best game on the system, Super Mario Maker, was a perfect marriage of hardware and software.
Zero third party support.
Very minimal first party support.
The handful of third party support it had started getting PS4, Xbone and PC ports
The first party titles except for like, 2, have all been ported to Switch
There's even a first party title that's been ported to PS4, PC and Xbone
I'm talking about Tropical Freeze. The gamepad just shows a black screen if you choose to play it on the TV.
The best function it had was just using the gamepad to play games instead of the TV. They focused on the one good thing the console had and made the Switch out of it.
The asyncrhonous stuff would have been cool but outside of some techo demo launch titles, Nintendo themselves didn't even use it. They even stopped putting basic shit like a map or anything below, Tropical Freeze is literally a black screen if you're playing on the TV.
They thought it was an add-on for Wii, so they threw a tantrum when they eventually knew it was a console. The exaggeration of its failure made it so that people look down on you for loving Wii U because it's not the latest turd Nintendo shat out with ports.
>There's even a first party title that's been ported to PS4, PC and Xbone
Not to mention the game only got to grow from a shitty simple eshop title to a full fledged game simply because the Wii U was doing so fucking bad. It got so much extra love and care and post support simply because Nintendo had to actually fucking try instead of shitting something lazy out.
There is a stark difference in quality between Nintendo in dire times and Nintendo in "successful".
This. I skipped it cause I rather not have it when I already had a wii for when people came over and my pc for gayming. Got a switch though cause I like handhelds
Wonderful 101
Also partial 1st party title Devil's Third, but only because Nintendo sold back their ownership.
And then there's games they funded like LEGO City Undercover as well.
Had some of the shittiest bare bones soulless Mario spinoff titles. Tennis Ultra Smash, Mario Kart 8, Color Splash.
Oh right. Wonderful 101. Forgot about that.
Mario Kart 7 was way more soulless than 8.
Lets be real here:
>Terrible launch with the worst launch line up since .... ever(for Nintendo)
>AFter launch nearl no game at all drought constantly
>Had less games (exclusives and Third Party/Indie) in its entire lifespan than Switch had in 1 fucking year (Wii U has like 800 games Switch has over 2000 games by now)
>Terrible gimmick that was rarely used
>Gimmick was implemented pretty badly and didnt work properly
>UI was and stil is terribly slow and pianful to use
>Looked ugly
>Confusing name
It had Honey Queen, Lakitu, Wiggler and Metal Mario. As well as Shy Guy without having to be a local download play gimmick. no baby shit or koopalings clogging up the roster, just genuine based picks.
it was never planned as an eshop title
Who the fuck cares about the roster in a racing game?
You're looking at their backs most of the time, and beyond a broad weight class they don't impact gameplay. I will never understand mario kart rosterfagging
t. babyshitter
good one
I still think the WiiU is better than the Switch, in concept.. In practice, Switch has a huge library of great games and WiiU is slim pickings. The WiiU could've been incredible being a HD home-version of a 3DS with dual-screen games and all of the quirky camera/gyro gimmicks, but it just didn't have any games.
PLAY NINTENDOLAND, it's a sample of what we could've had.
Thank you!
holy shit wii u is suddenly the best console in existence
Everyone hated it
It's a piece of shit.
Going back and playing Project Zero reminded me what a cheap and flimsy gimmick the gamepad is too.
Terrible marketing and name that made people think it was an addon for the wii like the udraw tablet.
Poor sales made publishers avoid it like the plague, and next gen hardware was right around the corner.
Big game droughts because the only dev for the thing was nintendo and the third parties it bought, including complete bombs like devils turd. Some of the games they released were turds that nobody wanted like animal crossing amiibo festival.
Despite all its issues I loved the thing. Gamepad was super comfy in my hands and the games on it that were good were really, really good and I spent tons of hours playing them. It's better than the shitch by a country mile.
It;s main gimmick didn't even work. You couldn't even take the gamepad into the next room.
Same issue that Switch has, 0 games.
>0 games
>Very minimal first party support.
imagine typing this, typing this with your own two hands, and believing it
What does that empty image mean?
I really wonder how nintendo managed to literally just resell the same hardware, to the point where it's flagship games like botw were simple ports, and make it a success.
Way better marketing? The fact that 'it's fully portable instead of just around the house' now?
The fact that the Wii U sold like shit proves the card carrying Nintendie fanbase is much smaller than it thinks it is.