Nioh 2 Thread

Lightning is for babies

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So, what's the point of expeditions?

To get screenshots of cute hiddy tummies!

Easy glory, more robust enemy placement, and fun

It's so you can do missions with other people on an equal footing as bros instead of being summoned and being the other dude's slave-for-hire.

>To get screenshots of cute tengu tummies!
Fixed, and if you're one of the retards of the previous thread who started mentioning hides and insulting everyone like this is a Zig Forums board, stop

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Please user, just don't bring it up or respond and it'll blow over faster.

Kiss my ass

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>Third post in thread
>Already this faggotry

Please consider suicide.

It also helps that it gives a tiny bit of variation to the missions, since we know we're going to be replaying them a shitload.

Cool thread and all but can we discuss the important matters?
I really hate people who post here about their characters and act nice to one another, it makes me sick.
What can we do about this?