A bunch of blacks, a mexican and a hippie defeat the corrupt cops

>a bunch of blacks, a mexican and a hippie defeat the corrupt cops
Zig Forums would've hated it, if it would've come out today.

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Nah all the boomer fucks from the rural midwest hated it back then, they just finally have internet now

Also this, things that were cool back then aren't today anymore thanks to them

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>the corrupt cop is black

literally would not happen today

Nobody hates games just because there are nonwhites in them, why do you feel the need to caricature people this way? The game was fine, the corrupt cop kingpin was a nigger and this game didn't try to shove "We wuz kangz" down anyone's throat or anything either. It would have been so easy for them to make the drug kingpin some mustache twirling white guy trying to oppress the blacks or whatever, but it was just Big Smoke trying to be the king. Characters of all races are good and bad and race/some surface level bullshit politics are not the central conflict of the game. As the CEO of racism I approve San Andreas.

Attached: merry.gif (500x213, 499.03K)

Only if the cop was white and it had some gay BLM message written over it.

This and

leftists can only argue with fallacies

why would people be more "racist" today than 20 years ago? did something happen?

OP probably wasn't even alive 20 years ago

Don't forget the blind Chinese man please, he helped a lot