>write a bold, ambitious story that actually takes creative risks
>get death threats
This is why no one tries anymore. You morons deserve bland Ubisoft shit.
Write a bold, ambitious story that actually takes creative risks
>be op
>be tranny
>have aids
>40 %
>Creative risks.
>Sad Dad zombie game only now its Mad girl zombie game.
Alright man. You can just say you liked it, you don't need to victimize yourself over it.
>"If you kill your enemies... They win!"
>revenge bad!
>"I just realized this woth a flashback 1 second after killing the murder of my father!"
How the fuck is that "original" and "creative". It's literally a generic hollywood movie moral.
>be fp
>also be bp
>using flashbacks for key plot points
Anyone saying this is good writing is a moron.
what risk did they took beyond having a shity story? Thats pretty risky for a story based game
imagine typing this
Honestly, don't bother arguing with these plebs. They don't know a single thing about good storytelling. If I named a few masterpieces like catcher in the rye, my beautiful dark twisted fantasy, rick and morty, or hell, even other masterpieces released by naughty dog, they'd probably just raise their eyebrows and hate it because it's "too popular." I really pity them. If you put them in a room with druckmann or any of the actors they'd be gasping for air trying to find any argument that proves that the last of us 2 is a bad game. Pathetic.