>Oh-hohohoho! Killia-sama, take a look at this! These lonely virgins are worshiping Etna when they could be worshiping a superior girl from the same video game series! Isn't it sad?!
wat do Zig Forums?
>Oh-hohohoho! Killia-sama, take a look at this! These lonely virgins are worshiping Etna when they could be worshiping a superior girl from the same video game series! Isn't it sad?!
wat do Zig Forums?
Feel genuinely bad for the sad whore that gets cucked in her own game.
Not flat enough
Post lewd Seraphinas
call her a poorfag and continue my crusade of calling people faggots online.
the only ones I have are NSFW
Killia was a complete faggot and the worst protag the series ever had.
it seems you're forgetting mao
which disgaea game is best and should i play as my entry?
if you're just going to play one, play 5
gameplay improves with every installment but the stories are all over the place and very subjective
Start with the first one and then move on to whatever looks best for you.
they're all boring
play 3
Killia is still worse. There was nothing likeable or fun about him at all.
Disgaea 1 Complete (or on PC if you don't mind grinding).
at least he uses fists instead of another fucking sword MC
But I prefer Flonne and Rozalin. And there are too many girls better tham Seraphina, like Raspberyl, Usalia, several generics like Magic Knight and Beastmaster, Desco, etc. At least Seraphina beats Fuka any day of the week.
For me, it's Thief.
Adel was already another fist user. What we need is an MC axe user.
Cast of 3 was pretty boring, but Raspberyl was top tier. Worth playing just for her.
You can do that with everyone. It's not as if the game is so hard that it's unbeatable if you don't use the protagonist's best proficiency.
Magic Knight is the only girl I have eyes for.
that's not at all what i'm arguing. i'm just saying it's a mild point of interest in killia's favor that his canon weapon is not a sword
We've all agreed that the next MC will be a fallen angel that uses bows and the main side kick/love interest is a staff-using human neet girl who accidentally summons herself into the netherworld.
is magic knight even any good? i never use her because by the time i unlock her i've got stronger melee people and stronger mages and it seems pointless
As long as they make bows worth a damn. Same with spears.
honestly, sounds fun
Post em
2 onwards is very good due to her elemental boosting evilities, making her spells pack a punch. In 1 she has a weird ability to use a random spell after a basic attack, which isn't that great unless you really invest some innocents to boost her INT.
I fucking hated Mao. He made D3 unplayable for me.
I feel the same way about both 3 and 5. Specifically that with the exception of the loli character I didn't care for the main cast of either game. It's the other way around in 4 though. The main character was cool but I didn't like any of the girls at all. Especially Fuka, she's probably one of the worst girls in the series.
I loved Fuuka. I have a weakness for tomboy tsunderes.
I thought I'd like her at first since her design is great, but I couldn't stand her constant prattling about everything being her dream. Especially after the stuff with her dad.
Get kek'd by lieze you dumb slut