Tell me Kal-El, if Metropolis is worth saving then why are there there no good Superman video games?

Tell me Kal-El, if Metropolis is worth saving then why are there there no good Superman video games?

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Shut up nigger

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inb4 dozens of posts about superman being too strong despite knowing no superman media

Lex Luthor King

>Those Eyes
>That face

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There aren’t any good Superman comic books either.


Uh, hello, CEO of Based? You're gonna wanna have a look at this...

this is canon
he's also been shown to be able to bench-press 5.972 sextillion metric tons for at least 5 days, and still being able to do more

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Then why can't he beat Darkseid?

isn’t the Hulk literally impossible to kill on cosmic levels sometimes?

capeshit powerlevels are even more trivial than animu ones

That's because Darkseid is literally a god.

Watch this.

Attached: guess who.png (640x480, 321.65K)

Anime is just way more straightforward
Like, there's Light. He writes your name and you area dead, doesn't matter if you are immortal or whatever. Fight that.

have you forgotten where “powerlevels” came from?

the Hulk is without an upper limit in terms of strength and durability, yes, but his power drops as soon as he turns back. Actual cosmic beings have commented on this before.

What the fuck is going on here

I just watched Justice League Dark Apokolips War and weeeewy did the fights suck shit. This is the best the west can do, huh? Fighting anime shits all over it while making the characters feel many times more powerful than Superman and the justice league.

Superman punches Darkseid and he flies like 30m and bounces off a building. Compare this with One Punch Man getting kicked to the moon, or Gogeta and Broly Ki blasting themselves into another dimension. Death Battle is so dumb for acting like Superman is unbeatable.

he's holding a black hole in his hand

ya’ll niggas best be actin neutral

the big heroes from DC/Marvel do not have one creative owner

this results in multiple writers that barely interact with each other creating their own stories with no established line on the limits of each character

just think about the new star wars films that's basically how DC/Marvel heroes work


Because people overthink the character and his abilities.

They all lose to old RWBY figths.

I know how it works, it only further adds to my point that dc/mahvel powerlevels mean jack shit when they can and have operated fine at every level

This is also canon

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fucking sjws destroying the medium

someone post the one where

"deathstroke is quick where it counts"

That's because Death Battle is owned by the RWBY creators. To be honest I stopped believing Death Battle was credible after their very first video. It was Link vs Cloud. They removed all of Clouds OP moves while giving Link all of his most powerful items and abilities from multiple games. Then in the actual fight, Link was flipping all over the place, displaying a level of agility he had never demonstrated in his games, even in cutscenes.

Not in a long time. Rebirth is the newest reboot, and is why comments like this are kind of retarded.

An accurate way to ask is not if "can X from a comic do Y", it's "can X from a comic do Y right now". The comic for Supes should still be canon despite the reboot.

Watch these instead
>STAS World's Finests
>JL's For the Man Who has Everything
>BTAS Sub-Zero
>Return of the Joker

For the Man Who has Everything
Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?
Final Crisis (Superman Beyond)
Kingdom Come

Returns was ok. Bizarro mode was really, really fun.

Silver Age Asshole Superman is fun.

Superman: Red Son

Attached: Supes.jpg (800x489, 110.97K)

is that a ps4 in the back

Red Son Over Paradise

If what’s new is all that matters then it’s even more trivial. Just make the game and give it whatever rules/story you want, since that’s what the comics do anyway.