Unpopular Opinion: Galaxy is the best 3D Mario game. People always say 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey are better, but I thought Galaxy had some amazing level design. The others are great as well, but Galaxy is the best imo
Unpopular Opinion: Galaxy is the best 3D Mario game. People always say 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey are better...
I just finished a play session of Galaxy.
It's really good (2 is terrible) but the movement is soulless.
The spin adds a lot of options but without stuff like dives it feels very lackluster moving around.
Also, no camera control purely because the Wii mote couldn't handle it...fucking stupid.
64 > Odyssey = Sunshine > Galaxy > the rest
It's only unpopular due to nostalgia.
The shit camera in 64 is more of a problem than the controls in Galaxy.
64's movement and levels are far more enjoyable to play.
Never played the Galaxy games, I've never had a Wii. What are they like?
This isn't unpopular at all, lots of people has the same opinion as you. Do you want an unpopular opinion? 3D World is the best 3D Mario Game.
>"Unpopular Opinion"
>proceeds to spout a very popular opinion
Keep this faggotry on reddit pls
They were really creative. Some of the most original level design in a game and the space atmosphere was amazing. I find Galaxy really underrated. Sure, tons of people played it, but they dont really talk about it that much. They'd rather talk about 64, Odyssey, and Sunshine
Unpopular opinion: FPSes aren't fun.
I'm replaying 64 as I browse this thread. It's far too short to match up to the size and number of Galaxy's levels and the camera really will get you killed in places.
3D World isnt just the best 3D Mario, it's the best Mario.
I hate the levels where you run around a sphere and unfortunately that's like 75% of the game
Why do people constantly ignore Galaxy?
Its not really a popular opinion. Everyone seems to either say 64 or Odyssey is the best 3D Mario game. Never Galaxy for some reason. Personally, I thought Galaxy was breathtaking. It was one of the most original and creative Mario games
It didn't innovate the series in a way that had a longterm impact. The gravity shit is likely never coming back and miyamoto shit all over how it tried to introduce a more somber plot in atmosphere,
I think its definitely the best Mario, but it's not a game that you have to play to understand the series like 1, 3, World, and 64
>Multiverse Destroyer tier
Super Dimentio
>World Ender tier
Shadow Queen
>Truly Formidable tier
Elder Princess Shroob
>Super Powerful tier
Donkey Kong
King K. Rool
King Boo
Rudy the Clown
Golden Diva
>Quite Strong tier
Captain Syrup
Dark Fawful
Lord Fredrik
>Serious Nuisance tier
Black Jewel
Tiki Tong
>Minor Threat tier
Count Canoli
Foreman Spike
>Waluigi tier
>(2 is terrible)
You have shit fucking taste, SMG1's camera is fucked to shit and has a world navigation system that is redundant and tedious. Gameplay is more refined and fleshed out in the second game. SMG1 is still amazing, but the second only takes the best parts and makes it better.
Galaxy has an identity crisis and it suffers for it. It appeals to a casual audience (being on the Wii), and therefore has a simplified movement system that lacks depth or a real feel of momentum. It tries to appease both the course-clear and sandbox fans by having open progression and "open" levels matched with linear platforming challenges that utilize the game's gravity gimmick, but with so many ingredients in the mix, no level really hits its stride. The game is bogged with sluggishness; time between stars takes ages as the game prioritizes its visual flair first over fluidity. Luigi and his campaign is a pure retread and the true ending of the game requires you to beat the game twice with minimal difference.
For what it's worth, the game's movement is enjoyable enough and the presentation certainly doesn't let down, with beauteous vistas of the universe to gaze at every corner, adjunct with a stunning orchestral backing. Rosalina's origins, while purely optional to enjoy, is a touching read.
The sequel thankfully remedies a handful of these problems, but fails to address core issues with the game. Its attempt at streamlining the experience is appreciated, up until the game lobs three green MacGuffins for you to nab that are mindless or trial-and-error to obtain that are required to reach the game's most challenging content. For what it addresses, it also unfortunately exchanges the pizzazz of the origin for a tighter, more linear experience, planting the roots of its successors, 3D Land and 3D World. Both of these future titles prioritized "course-clear" gameplay, but woefully did not manage to craft a more compelling Mario to control in its abstractly constructed courses, playing arguably worse than either Galaxy titles, and certainly not any title before them.
For me?
64 > Odyssey > Galaxy = Galaxy 2 > Sunshine > 3D World > 3D Land
If a 3D World sequel is in the works and it doesn't have Wario and Waluigi, I'm done with Mario.
Galaxy 2 exists, so the first one is basically obsolete.
I actually prefer Odyssey and 64 slightly above them... but both Galaxy games are fantastic. Sunshine is shit.
I liked the hub better, but Galaxy 2 had better levels.
2 is way better than 1.
2 was fun but it's completely soulless and has a lot of really boring gimmicks
For me? It's Super Mario Land
Unpopular opinion: Red Dead 2 has impressive mud and snow graphics.
>complains about SM64 camera
>has no problem with disorienting mess that is Galaxy where you're upside down half the time
what did zoom mean by this?
64 was good for its time, its sequels are better.
Here's an actuall unpopular opinion: I fucking hate Sunshine. The level design was terrible throughout most of the game and even though the basic movement mechanics were good, they did not marry well with said shitty level design. Also, it pissed me off to find out all the terrible overworld/secret level shines were worthless.
64 > Galaxies > Odyssey > Shit > 3D World > Sunshine
>best 3D mario
>when like half the bosses are just volleyball fights
>most of the levels equate to hallways floating in space
>purple comets suck ass
>difficulty is nonexistant, a feat since mario games are already easy
64 is still king
want to hear an actually unpopular opinion
video games are fun
Galaxy’s movement is dogshit though. Sunshine, 64, and Odyssey are all more fun to control.
>filtered by grates on Ricco Harbor
Unpopular Opinion: Mario 64 ruined the franchise. 64babies that never played the older games think Mario is supposed to be a 3D collectathon in a handful of sandboxes. When in reality Mario is a linear level-based platformer based in incrementally dificult level designs.
Super Mario 3D Land and World are the closest to being actual Mario games in 3D. Galaxy 1 & 2 are close enough. But 64, Sunshine, and Odyssey completely miss so many of the Mario gameplay tropes that you could replace him with any other character and it wouldn't make a difference. Coins heal you? Why are don't Stars give you invincibility? Where are the Super Mushrooms to make Little Mario into Super Mario? Why are there less than 20 levels? Pathetic. Don't get me wrong, SM64, Sunshine, and Odyssey are great games. But they utterly fail in every regard as 3D Mario games.
I beat the game, I just hated every second of it. Also forgot to mention the camera was somehow worse than 64's.
Dunno man, I felt that the whole movement around gravity thing was pretty neat.
Wario Land was doing just fine keeping up with 2D platformers while Mario ventured into 3D. NSMB ruined both Wario and Mario.