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ITT: OP gets rectal ravaged by the fact that slow paced fps games aren't fun anymore and 343 knows this, so they add a sprint button and a grapple to liven up the movement mechanics a bit.
btw OP did you know H2 was gonna have sprint too? So yeah, back to roots indeed.
runn to many buttun.
i like no run
their design is rumored to revolve around open world areas like destiny, ofc they are gonna keep the sprint in there.
I'm pretty traditionalist when it comes to Halo but sprint in an open world Halo I can forgive, If they have a classic mode in multiplayer the game will be fine.
>H2 was gonna have sprint too
keyword being "was" because they realized sprint ruined the game's pacing
No, they were under pressure and couldn't get it fully functional in time because microshit was demanding they make games in under a year.
art director said otherwise
prove it.
Halo's roots were slow and boring. Halo 2 is only fun when you're playing with at least 6 people and/or vehicles because otherwise it's a slow drag.
what's with all the anti xbox threads lately.... it's almost as if they are nervous...
i want slow. i cant fast.
hope its 30frames
not them but a simple search found it
and one of the Halo 2 animators on reddit said sprint was cut so quick it never got past the "put it in a build and test it" phase.
Framerate doesn’t effect the central mechanics, it just determines how smooth the gameplay looks.
fast game hurts brain.
roots pls
in any case the pacing of a linear game like halo 2 with a lot of small narrow fighting arenas is a lot different to a semi-open world game like Infinite appears to be. Hell there were more open areas in H4, and even Reach.
I also liked the jetpack stuff and optional ADS in 5. Felt like they were really encouraging multiple play styles.
Good for you. So Halo isnt for you then.
you're forgetting how like half of Halo 1 were massive open areas with vehicles everywhere to compensate. it's almost like Halo is more about utilizing tools within the sandbox rather than stuffing the player with mechanical bloat
>i-in any case
>expecting 343 to do anything right
>you're forgetting how like half of Halo 1 were massive open areas with vehicles everywhere to compensate. it's almost like Halo is more about utilizing tools within the sandbox rather than stuffing the player with mechanical bloat
>you're forgetting how like half of Halo 1 were massive open areas with vehicles everywhere to compensate.
You're forgetting how bad halo 1 was in comparison to later titles. Practically no precision covenant weapons, only decent precision unsc weapon was the sniper or magnum, the magnum had a fucking scope, minimal weapon variety (3x covenant weapons and 5 human weapons), the pacing was slow and difficulty was all over the show. And fuck the library.
i hope they stick with the feel of 5. it gave every action weight. i could run from a fight, but at the cost of shield recharge. I could run into battle and time my run for a punch, at the cost of side to side mobility and momentary vulnerability if i missed. seek elevation and ground pound, at the cost of making myself a floating stationary target. chain multiple actions to jump to inaccessible locations, letting map knowledge widen the skillgap. boost side to side to dodge bullets, or pull off a cheeky assassination.
if they dont add sprint to mp the game will be ruined and be the same as some gay battle royale bullshit
In summary movement was a tool you could use to your advantage. These nostalgia fags who adopted halo because movement shooters were too hard for them are bitching because now they have to learn how to have optimal movement when standing still and shooting is a tough ask of them.
>343's Halo games have failed to have longevity
Then why didn't they put it in 3?
wow, you mean the only real issue with the original game is all sandbox related? and bungie realized this by adding more tools within the sandbox while overall balancing existing tools and enemies? holy shit color me shocked
>the pacing was slow
yes, halo was never meant to be fast. stop trying to turn the game into something it isn't.
shit, meant for
This reeks of further cope
First post and 343 interns are already strawmanning lmfao
i wish i could intern for 343 maybe i'd be able to punch the fuckwit that cancelled spartan ops.
>cope more
holy shit maximum seething
>duhhhhhhh slow game is fun game
fuck off boomer
Halo 2's sprint was a pretty unique implementation. You'd basically be running at full speed for a few seconds, and then the sprint would kick in automatically.
>get proven wrong
>tell others they're seething
You can play Gaypacks Legends or Call of Infinity. There are so many shitty shooters with sprint out there. No need to fuck up a base formular to a legendary trilogy famurai.
why would master chief need to sprint? and why can he only sprint for like a 15 seconds at a time
didnt say they were seething because i was wrong. I never denied that i was wrong about why halo 2 didnt feature sprint even tho it was being prototyped. That doesn't change the fact that removing it was a mistake.
sprint would be fine if it didn't completely take away your ability to shoot. Maybe it should disable grenades and make firing inaccurate
>didnt say they were seething because i was wrong
The cope continues
>removing it was a mistake
Notice how the least popular Halo games are the ones with Sprint?