Replaying the Halos and the first half of Halo 3 is fucking boring...

Replaying the Halos and the first half of Halo 3 is fucking boring. I really hate Bungie's rendition of how Earth looks like in the future. Overall H3's campaign hasn't been as good as I remembered. It's the most boring out of all of them including REACH and ODST.

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I just cleared the hanger aboard the Truth and Reconciliation in H1 on Legendary and the game feels painful compared to later entries because of no DMR/BR/beam rifle/covenant carbine. I ran out of sniper ammo as I was boarding the ship and there was no pistol to be found. What a slog.

underrated level imo. I don't know why people hate it so much.

Are you me? Literally almost same thing. Damn I can't believe I miss the BR and Carbine already

I think that's why REACH is my favorite campaign. So many range weapons to use and a lot of the skirmishes are basically setup for those types of battles.

nobody replays those. you're a kid pretending to be over 18 to post here

>I really hate Bungie's rendition of how Earth looks like in the future
Tbf it is set in aftica, of course its gonna be a shithole

Also the first scarab battle in H3 is so fucking terrible and awkward. Like goddamn why i gotta shoot all the limbs to get it to come down in a position I can enter? Why does it instantly kill me if I just try to jump on it from top?

Halo 3 has some great levels but a lot of trash too.

Sierra 117 and Crow's Nest are fine as very early missions. Tsavo Highway is good. The Storm and Floodgate are bad (horray for shipping containers). The Ark and The Covenant are great, Cortana sucks, and Halo is short and not that good.

Really, we needed more levels in the Ark.

There's like half a dozen ways you can board it.

Speak for yourself, sub-saharan Africa is a kino setting and Bungie's art direction and lighting effects really did it justice

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You can definitely jump on it from the cranes.

Play SPV3

>the same kids playing this infantile bullshit are the ones critizicing cinematic games with mature subject matter
the ironing

lmao found the shitter
3 has the best campaign

We enjoy video games with gameplay.

Yes user the og trilogy is legendary. No need to have 10 threads every day to remind us.

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Why do you think Storm is bad? It has lots of variety and cool encounters. Fun mix of vehicle and on foot sections.

very tight core gameplay but suffers from low variety and extreme repetition after you finish the library
much more methodical outside the vehicle setpieces, it can be fun but the levels go on for way too long. Some levels are downright terrible because they halt the action for minutes at a time (Heretic, Oracle) while nothing happens
pretty solid core gameplay, great variety, levels never overstay their welcome. worst level (Cortana) is a slog mainly by chance, if you get a ton of ranged forms its going to be a shit time
core gameplay is alright but the enemies are balanced a little strangely, levels are a bit too open with a lot of filler, though they never drag on for as long as 2's

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your post subtlety and incorrectly implies odst isn't the best game of the series

>It's the most boring out of all of them including REACH and ODST.
your opinion couldn't be more incorrect

Pretty based take.
Though I would add some nutting for scarabs in 3.

Legendary is way too easy. Enemies don’t even charge they just awkwardly stand around

>good gameplay

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>very tight core gameplay but suffers from low variety and extreme repetition after you finish the library
CE's repetition comes from its lack of unique assets/textures. The actual layouts are unique from level to level. Each area has a different type of Arena design that changes based how Ai responds.

Halo 3 is pure shit. Its campaigvn is better than 2 at least but the multiplayer is casual garbage, even for a console game. Random deviation on the BR, shitty projectile speeds, a SINGLE good new map, and unpredictable netcode/hitreg. There could not be a shittier Halo game out there. I'd unironically play CE/5/4 over 3.

Not to mention it's an ugly ass game, even for its time. They went for more "realistic" industrial/concrete looking maps instead of the otherworldy stuff and cool skyboxes seen in CE/2.
Compare this ugly shit in the pic with its copy-pasted boulders to something like Far Cry 2. Artistically, aesthetically, graphically, it's a failure.

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Yeah I noticed H3 is super easy as well. It's what's responsible for this myth that the game has some insanely big quirky repertoire of weapons (lol mauler taking 6 shots to kill a brute). In reality the only reason other weapons are viable besides the BR/PP combo is because the AI was heavily downgraded from CE and 2.

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It comes from the fact that the game literally reuses 3 levels for the finale.

Dumbest fucking post.
H3 visually has held up immensely well. Only thing that doesn't is human faces.

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Keyes is a 10 minute mission with flood, it plays nothing like T&R, the Maw is actually entirely unique too. TB/AOTCR are super long though so i'd maybe give you that I guess. You could say "it reuses 1 mission" at best, but their similarities are still mostly due to aesthetics and not the gameplay.
It's like playing Dust 2 in CS and Dust 2 Mirrored, they look the same but they don't play the same.

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Yeah it held up because of good lighting, and because jungle environments were easy as hell to render in 2007 (just look at crysis). Unfortunately for you blind fucks, there's more to art than Lighting. The game still looks like pure shit.

Nice Keurig coffee maker lmao.

Imagine looking at this and unironically thinking it's good """"art""""

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It mainly comes from the fact that there are only so many weapons and enemy types available. It's all perfectly good, but you can only go so long with CE's sandbox before it gets a bit tiresome. I think most people were seriously tired of it by the eight or ninth mission. The fact that the the missions are blatantly recycled doesn't help matters either.

the scale of the ark is fucking crazy.

"cool skybox!"
*pieces of legos flying around"

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>The game still looks like pure shit.

Strong artstyle with talented environmental artists came together to make a far superior visual aesthetic. Now that you can play it at higher resolutions with smooth framerates, it really shines even better. Plenty of modern games have far superior fidelity, but look much uglier to me because they lack the talent and downright artistry.

halo always had a mediocre campaign, its only saved because of how cool master chief is

Halo 3 still looks great aside from the human head models
You literally picked the worst looking level in the game you cherrypicking faggot

It's long as fuck, has two of the worst firefight sections in the series back to back, and makes you escort Keyes at the end which fucking blows on Legendary.

What artistry are you talking about? 99% of the game is just messy shit like this. Even ugly open world games like far cry 2 are less of an eyesore.

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Zoomers need to be gassed.