Monster Hunter

How long do you guys think it'll take for World 2? How many more monsters? Any GUchads?

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>tfw 4U is all but forgotten now
My greatest regret is never gitting gud enough to solo GQs...

Finished XX years ago was thinking of buying a switch just for GU

it's really fun, i'd recommend it. it recently went on sale too.

I've soloed teo and rajang, but I wanted to solo them all eventually. I stopped playing for a year or two and lost all my skills.

>How long do you guys think it'll take for World 2?
Late 2021 or early 2022 probably, they've said they still want to do games yearly but the memevirus probably screwed with their dev schedule a fair amount.
Same camp here, i've played a bit of XX with the translation patch on my 3DS but it's been a bit hard to go back to the 3DS control scheme even if i played hundred of hours of 3U and 4U on 3DS, so i wanna get a Switch for GU.

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Why does no one who wants a room ever take charge?