Remember the guy who fixed the Nier Automata PC port while blacklisting the IDs of people he was mad at on Steam? He's now permanently banned from Steam forums and his mod is delisted because he never stopped being a faggot :^)
Kaldaien permabanned from Steam
Other urls found in this thread:
>acts like an idiot
>makes accounts to circumvent bans
>all of this because he was an autist that wanted DRM in his mods
>people on Zig Forums have still defended him
Thank god for /vrpg/ proving that Zig Forums is 4channel's dumping ground.
This is also the guy who not only supports DRM but also put DRM in his mods.
Fuck off Kaldaien. Stop trying to drum up sympathy for your sociopathic ass by spamming these trash threads.
lol denuvo cuck btfo
All this guy had to do was not be fucking autistic, his mod is good but his autistic behavior made him fucking insufferable.
This is what he deserves. Being such a massive faggot earned it
Can someone explain to me why the modding scene, across the entire industry mind you, is filled to the brim with some of the most insufferable faggots out there?
Is it a badge of honor to be mentally ill before you actually make mods?
>Can someone explain to me why the modding scene, across the entire industry mind you, is filled to the brim with some of the most insufferable faggots out there?
90% of modders are trannies or libcucks. just look at nexus drama
no but that's funny
You have to be a big autistic faggot to be a modder most of the time. It's sorta like how speedrunning is like a 100% autist club.
making mods requires autism, and it attracts lazy ideas-autists that autistically criticize the prime autist's autism
>Kaldaien permabanned from Steam
that's what doing it for free does to a man
Only the community side of it, he still can play all the games he has but he just can't be a faggot on the forums etc.
What would need to happen for his account to get a true permaban/forced close?
There is something about PC gamer drama that comes off as especially gay and inconsequential.
It's only ever reserved for phishers and scammers but I think if he continues being a faggot he'll get smashed with the perma community ban
A genuine permaban where Steam takes away your games is only used for actual criminals. Bad words that hurt others feefees will at worst close you off from their community features.
hehe monke funny xbox monke pee poo pee pee
Actual illegal activities such as fruad or messing with other users accounts
>put malware out as "fixes"
>made a fucking rootkit to destory people's computers for "pirating"
>told developers they deserve to have games pirated if they don't work with his mods
Yeah I don't see a problem
Failed game developers or at least, not smart enough to put together a game/work with others.
So they act as if mods are the same thing as a full game put together by proper business and development team. Shit like Nameless Mod? Great mod. On par with a fucking standard indie game. Good developers.
The problem is the most professional ones are reserved and don't sperg out so you don't see asm uch.
wants to put DRM on free mods? if so, he's a fucking retarded.
>wants to put DRM on free mods?
He doesn't just want to, he did do it.
His mod, which is free, has a layer of DRM that specifically checks if you're using a pirated copy of the game you try to use it on, and if you do, it proceeds to shit the bed on purpose because of that.
he can fuck right off. he has no right since he didn't make the game.
>Sucks big corporation cock
>Now big corporation raped his ass
>broke a coffee table because he was banned
>im fine bro steam is the problem
>Breaks table
>"I'm not the problem!"
>Continues to confuse community moderators as official Steam moderators
100% retarded
There was and is literally nothing wrong with the automata pc port.
Explain to me how this person was ever relevant for fixing something that was not broken.
holy shit this guy
>being retarded
They either do it for free or try to charge for mods, which could be questionable depending on the game's EULA.
lmao I mean agree that steam jannies are a bit faggy but this dude is 100% unhinged.
Not seeing anything all that relevant mate.
Glad to know that you're blind.
>Fullscreen mode outputs to a stretched and non-native resolution, unless fixed by using FAR.
Werks just fine on my machine ;^)