I unironically think Ass Creed Syndicate is comfy to play

I unironically think Ass Creed Syndicate is comfy to play.

What game is cozy for you brehs

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Just look at the homes

Attached: 2503FB50-E78C-4F96-BCAB-9138DCC199FF.jpg (1920x1080, 437.15K)

Same bro, played the whole thing though it was fun as.

Only asscreed game I don't like is origins, it's weird man theres just something about it I can't put my finger on, paradoxically, I really like odyssey, can't pin it man

I've been playing a lot of rimworld lately, 157 mods and counting

Yes its the best ass creed next to 2

funny to think we have houses that are older than the United States.

And our country is still in a better state kek. They had one shot at a perfect country and they fucked it completely, extra kek.

Your country is in a better state? We talking architecturally? Since you mentioned houses older than the USA?

... you guys have pot holes everywhere, you haven’t repaired entire neighbourhoods after hurricane Catrina or whatever it was called. If you’re not talking about architecture even still your country isn’t in any better state. You guys are in a race war whether you acknowledge it or not and political discourse is crazy

Imagine being a country younger than 250 years and your civilisation is already collapsing

Attached: 4E9749D9-0FB0-4D60-9FCC-E836A4406EA3.jpg (1920x1080, 214.65K)

I was talking on behalf of the UK you completely braindead and illiterate fuck. Jesus fucking christ re-read what i said how could you not understand it? I was laughing at the US.

Embarrassing and pathetic really. kek.

>Assassin's Creed


Both of you retards seem to forget the muslim pedo rings, rapes, killings and so on covered up by your country. Also im from a small eastern euro country and from my point of view, both the UK and the USA are completely ass fucked. I remember I used to think these countries were exceptional when I was younger and I wanted to go there one day.