Tell me, Gene. If God Hand is so good, why are there no God Hand sequels or PC ports?

Tell me, Gene. If God Hand is so good, why are there no God Hand sequels or PC ports?

Attached: Olivia.png (641x712, 610K)

cause ign fucking killed it's chances of getting any traction. it's got a super fucking high learning curve and does a really bad job explaining how it wants to played. it doesn't punish bad gameplay like high side kick spam or drunken twist spam so people likely never experimented with it's intricate systems. hell it took till the 2010's for people to find a lot of the intricacies of it. also it's unclear who has the rights to the game since clover was disbanded. it's my favorite game of all time though.

Why wouldn't it just be capcom that owns the rights? They sold okami again recently, and I'm sure kamiya always asks to ask capcom when whittu piggus ask him for VJ3. Can't imagine god hand is any different.

>also it's unclear who has the rights to the game since clover was disbanded
That is not true. It's Capcom's property 100%. They have zero problems porting Okami billion times on all platforms. They just don't care about God Hand.

It's not that good tho

guess thats true.

>not that good
Just literally the best character action game ever made. Just not that good bro lmao.

>Character action game

3d brawler is a better title. character action is more about combos and god hand is more about dealing with tough situations in a stylish manner.

Kill yourself

Is moike kobe still an enormous faggot?

What happened you little snowflake?

>literally shits itself towards the end
>character action

Nice try, kobe.
Don't you have Bayo gamer girls to harass?

It's the opposite. People payed attention to it because it was that game ign called awful that's actually incredibly good.

What he do

Only if they're as cute as your mom

Fuck you

Nope. IGN really did kill this game. Mikami even said once that he thought it would end his career completely. You don't realize it was the biggest western site about video games and getting a 3/10 from them was unthinkable (even then 90% of games operated on a 6-10 scale like today). Sure, people were mad, but way, way more just saw the score and didn't bother with the game at all.

What's with sudden resurgence of bottom barrel games like God Hand MGR? One faggot who got buttblasted in dmc thread and tries find refuge in other place? We only need ngnigger threads to make nectoparty.

He was hitting on that one /cgl/ female pro Bayonetta players and was a huge fucking retard about it. There was her tumblr blog post IIRC posted once in one of the recent God Hand thread showing his cringy messages.
Also overall he is really insecure and will shit on God Hand to scare people away from it so that he will be the only pro guy playing it and making combo videos on YT and making sure nobody steals the spotlight from him.

Sseth made a review of it year ago that got very popular.
Jerma was streaming it few days ago.

I thought he was a homosexual lmao

>you can spam one move and win
Sounds like bad design user

IGN didn't kill anything. It was just a niche game,released very late in the PS2 life cycle to very little promotion

That's not exactly true. Game still has some mechanics that makes enemies get away from the spam, but overall yea, it cheapens the game a lot and makes a lot of fights easier.

>that got very popular.
How? Faggot literally told nothing about game or mechanics just send me zoom camera shot and memes. I thought it was only because of BASED NIGGER SPENDING MONEY ON OLIVIA PORN thing and it just a bone for coomers

>Also overall he is really insecure and will shit on God Hand to scare people away from it so that he will be the only pro guy playing it and making combo videos on YT and making sure nobody steals the spotlight from him.
Oh, you're the same shizo faggot from threads ago

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You're wrong.
They did harm the game a lot, even Mikami himself said it. Not to mention they also killed any chance of the game getting a PC port/remaster/re-release/whatever.
Why do you think Okami gets bazillion ports today and God Hand is forgotten and all it got in last 10 years was a fucking t-shirt?
It's because Okami is a """"cult classic"""" meaning it's a shitty selling game but praised by critics so it gets re-releases even though they always perform poorly. Only recent HD release that finally hit PC made it into a Capcom Platinum title.
Capcom won't touch the game anymore precisely because western journos are complete shit and rated the game unfairly.

Only IGN really bashed the game that hard. In Europe and Japan (and even in a lot of other US reviews) it was scored correctly.
Capcom won't touch it because it doesn't have the appeal like Okami does. That's all. Okami has a much broader appeal than GH, despite both being "cult classics", they don't box in the same categories

the fact that he actually from SEA 3rd world countries instead from elsewhere

Not only this. But back in the day you couldn't just go online and find endless amounts of gameplay for all games.
So people saw the score and didn't have much else to judge the game on and left it at that.
IGN had insane amounts of power over how videogames were received. I am not even sure anything today even comes close.