Why are jews pushing transgenderism so much lately? to increase the consumption of pharmaceuticals ? (hormones...

why are jews pushing transgenderism so much lately? to increase the consumption of pharmaceuticals ? (hormones, antidepressants, etc) ?

Attached: Screenshot6-n.png (1280x720, 358.6K)

La creatura...

..de la kibernetikos

El virgino...

Why do you expect nuclear families and white picket fences in dystopian fiction?

de los americana ogres

Capitalism needs new markets.

is that naomi nagata? is she in trannypunk or is that another game with the trannypunk logo shooped into?

Attached: 1565014891794.png (401x596, 72.48K)

I would rather regain my virginity forever than get my dick anywhere NEAR the creature in the OP's pic. Are you fucking serious?