Why does Zig Forums so vehemently dislike black women in games?
Why does Zig Forums so vehemently dislike black women in games?
because they're added for diversity and diversity alone and are often written poorly and/or look stereotypical, like the one in your image.
Requesting an edit of this with a large snaking futa bulge between her legs.
Name 5 that are likable
>porn is not going to rot you br-
>same dumb coomer thread over and over
people dont hate black genes
people hate black memes
blm isnt about the civilized, its about degenerates
They never look like pic-related
>black people
>but with white people / anime facial features
because the majority of Zig Forums browsers are lonely, young, white, male gamers. this cocktail makes it very easy to dislike groups you have very little experience with. ie: blacks.
they don't look as good as other women. except for sheva. she was hot