Sequel when?

Sequel when?

Attached: Star Fox Adventures.jpg (316x445, 42.8K)


> Furry Zelda sequel
Never ever

Assault is the sequel. It takes place right after this.

>Zelda like Adventure game with DINOSAURS
>Sequel has pointless TPS segments and vehicles

No. Assault is a travesty.

>Sequel has pointless TPS segments and vehicles
>pointless vehicles
>Star Fox game
Fuck off


Unironically the best StarFox game ever

>Doing the test of fear
>"You must face your greatest fears."
>Apparently Fox's greatest fears are FUCKING DINOSAURS

I would have thought it would be Andross killing something close to him or something.

but he pwned Andross, and who is afraid of monkeys

This. make another 3D shooter like Star-Fox 64 instead.
No remakes allowed

Hopefully never. Adventures was fucking awful

Why was General scales never a boss fight? That pissed the fuck out of me

>taking expressions so literally
Do you enjoy having autism?

No, I hate it.

The dumbest part about the test of fear is that a giant general scales appears at the end of it. Why the fuck would Fox be scared of a guy he's barely met? Wouldn't Andross be more appropriate? Andross already appears as the final boss of the game so there's no excuse why they couldn't have put an invisible andross there

The only good thing about adventures was how fucking unbelievably hot Fox was in it.
Everything else was trash.

I think you hear Andross laugh when you fail.

I love the Krazoa palace so much.

Certain parts of that game have that sort of SOTC or Princess Mononoke kind of mystical vibe to it.

This isn't an RPG

>No. Assault is a travesty.
I was going to say this!

Better than Zero, zoomers. Parroting your idiot ecelebs doesn’t automatically make Assault a bad game. Still the best Star Fox multiplayer, and there’s nothing wrong with the third person on-foot controls if you aren’t a complete retard and know how to use a menu to change a simple layout.

>Better than Zero
Highly doubt that

This game is the result of executive meddling yet again. Miyamoto needs to fuck off from people's projects.

First he killed starfox 2 then he killed dinosaur planet.

If a game has a fox of ANY kind in it you can expect miyamoto to fuck it up with his puppet fetish.

I'm so sad the final Scales fight got cut. Supposedly Falco was supposed to first show up at Dragon Rock as well during an Arwing rematch with Scales' flying galleon.

Never because faggots complained it wasn't a 3d space shooter

If Rare didn't bleed talent it would have been cool to have them develop a 3DS sequel since Microsoft had no issues with them making stuff for Nintendo handhelds.

Assault plays like a mediocre to less than good third person shooter. It isn't the very worst but there are already so many games that does TPS better that Assault just isn't worth revisiting for the multi-player. 64 3D arguably has better multi-player.

Yeah, Rareware would have churned out nothing but hits if Nintendo wasn't involved.


Hey I’m actually through this now. At the Ice Mine.
It’s alright but man the combat sucks. As far as I can tell there’s only like 3 actual combos you can do with the staff plus the fire attack right?

Thats right and unfortunately the dark ice mines is as complex of a dungeon as the game gets so you're about where the game peaked for me. And while the combat sucks I can at least say that the game doesn't put a big enough focus on it to be that bad on the game as a whole. It has roughly the same amount of complexity in its combat as a some ground shooters like Assault.

The ice mines is the pinnacle of the game, it's all downhill from there.