Multiple threads about sholveware shit like TLOU 2 or Yandere Simulator

>Multiple threads about sholveware shit like TLOU 2 or Yandere Simulator
>Absolutely no love for our boy Baldi and his new upcoming game (

Baldibros rise up!

Attached: 512x512bb.jpg (512x512, 47.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Zig Forums doesn't play video games, they just repeat popular controversial things to get (You)s and "Based"s.

>make a ironic shitpost
>realize people are dumb enough to buy it anyways
>throw your morals away and chase the money for a game genre you initially made fun of
and i don't blame them one bit, i hope they go FNAF-tier popular

>mfw this garbage used to have it's own toy line

Attached: 1595163496133.png (2048x2048, 749.77K)

>low effort meme games

Come on, Man
Don't do TLOU2 like that

Up boated


>zoomer shit
Go write some FNAF fanfic and fuck off