PSN summer sale

PSN summer sale

Thinking about getting Warriors Orochi 4. Is it any good?

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can't go wrong with based orochi

Is it worth getting the deluxe? Is this the latest version?

get orochi 4 ultimate not the base game

Imma get that. These games are always expensive for some reason.

I've been so bored that i thought about getting the Dead Island pack. I've played on PS3 and i know they're bad games, but so fun. And yes, i've already played dying light. Are Rage 2 and Shadow of Mordor worth it?

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Someone talk me out of buying Skyrim on PS4 just because I want to plat it

What are you waiting for?

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>shadow of Mordor
No unless you like assassin creed battle system

That 80% off Hitman 2 Gold Edition's $100 price might be the best deal I've ever seen in a PS sale.