When Ellie left the farmhouse to look for Abby she left the bracelet behind

>When Ellie left the farmhouse to look for Abby she left the bracelet behind
>Dina went back to Jackson, impled by the note left by Jessie's mom
>When Ellie returns, she's wearing the bracelet
That's right, folks. The ending for the last of us 2 isn't as sad as you thought it was, huh? It's actually a happy ending. You were so focused on looking at her left hand that you failed to see her right hand, which confirms her and dina are back together. Ellie simply came back here to get her things, only to leave them behind and move on with her life.

Attached: EPwgxbHUUAAvxBE.jpg (710x770, 81.97K)

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She looked at big penises in magazines when she was 14

I see you shills have come back in full force

Attached: 1555950759876.gif (550x400, 171.8K)

Lmao, keep coping

who gives a fuck about this SJW movie game fuck off the Zig Forums

Nowhere in this video you see Ellie leave her bracelet behind. My theory is that she didn't wear it during her time in Santa Barbara and only put it back on when returning to Dina.

If she left it at the house how would she be wearing it already when she got back?

she lost fingers in the left hand but she got bitten in the right one?

how does that work?

it was in her backpack
