Zelda peaked in 2002.
Zelda peaked in 2002
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Halfway into the agame I caved in and installed the convenience mods. What the fuck where they thinking making you do the same thing over and over and over again?
Zelda peaked in 2017
Zelda peaked in 2011
Wind Waker was the last game of Zelda's Golden Age, but I wouldn't say it was the peak. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask were equally fantastic.
Zelda peaked in 1989.
>WW mods
tell more
Not a chance. WW was a fine game but an enormous step back from OOT/WW. The pacing is dogshit, the dungeons are awful, the islands are copy-paste with no decent rewards for exploring. WW has so many small, nonsensical decisions that build up and really hinder the experience. It's got style, but lack substance. A good aesthetic will only carry you so far.