BloodBorne PC

Are you ready for Zig Forums to blow up tomorrow lads?

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>Are you ready for Zig Forums to blow

Where Armored Core 6, you stupid bitch.

A pipe dream sadly. I doubt this board would survive the nuclear holocaust of ultimate butthurt, but sadly I don't think it'll happen.

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Has it ever not? out side of the rare good meme this place is a anime trash fire.

Bloodborne is coming to PC through EGS first for a year. They're not announcing it until the deal is finalized.

Is this the thread where we pretend to give a fuck about the PC port? How many souls games were there, that port on PC, did not have absolutely dogshit optimization, game-breaking bugs, and a variety of other issues? What was it again? 0? I hope you love running a game on 30 FPS that still requires you to own a quantum supercomputer.

So these are basically just sony shill threads, right?

You replied so you do give a fuck. Checkmate athiests.

I for one would be happy for PCbros to get to play it.
Although I know assmad people will still pretend this game would exist without sony.

It works on my machine.

Only DaS1 was the really dodgy port, but even that ran really well on a variety of hardware and much better than consoles. There's literally nothing wrong with the rest of them except for the durability bug in DS2

what is going to happen tomorrow anyway? sony event?

I just want Bloodborne 2 bros.

Das2 has xbox prompts on pc when using a ps4 controller still lol


A terrible PC port is still always a better experience than playing on consoles.

Same with DS3/Sekiro. Japanese developers are notorious for poor PC ports.

Understandable, hopefully no one's stupid enough to use a playstation controller.

Aztec/Mayan themed bloodborne.
>Blood sacrifices on pyramid-temples to call down the Old Ones
>Wars between tribes depending which Old One they worship
>Calendar predicts the birth of a new old one through human ascension, sparks a war and general lunacy
Think of the Kino. Midty jungles, Ziggurats draining blood from slaves and ancient relics of the Old Ones being lofted by priests beneath the Moon to summon their gods

Nobody cares faggot, nobody likes Dualshocks.

Ooh i still smell the alt from here. Enjoy using sub par hardware, nerds.

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>t. snoy

Every Sony event is just an excuse for Bloodborne and Silent Hill leakers to post again, most likely be wrong and then move on. Maybe this time it'll be right!

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>literally five years on and people still begging for PC port of BB
just lol

Whats even the point of a state of play if theyre not announcing new games?

any day now.......

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>snoy fag
>can't carlos correctly

Who says they aren't? Doesn't mean new games have to be SH

i want to pet koishi

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Yeah that's really gamebreaking.

>five years later it's still all the ps4 has
too sad to lol

This has to be bait

It isn't. A bad PC port can be fixed with mods, a well done console port is still 30fps garbage

The only reason PC ports are ever considered terrible is that they are only on par with the console version.


>PC gamers just spend their time endlessly begging for ports
I feel bad for you guys

Does anyone have any info about the ps4 pro jb patch. The dev managed to run it in 720p 60fps


>This is acceptable to console friends in the year 2019+1 of our lord.

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