I love her so much bros. I just want to live my life happily with her. It pains me to think that she isn't real.
I love her so much bros. I just want to live my life happily with her. It pains me to think that she isn't real
when can you start social linking her I just did the second palace
I would love her too when she gets into PC
A Halo thread died for this.
I wanna rely on her.
You get an automatic event on 5/24 that lets you start the social link, you need 3 guts though
I don't care. Fuck you and that bitch.
>Is the milf option in game
>Is younger than me
Am I too old for Persona games? I'm 28.
How hairy is her pussy and asshole?
In JRPGs you watch a role not be the role. So no.
Feel free to spam this thread every day OP
Very. Like all Persona girls. Because they're Japanese. Ann is probably the only one that's not hairy because her filthy gaijin blood compels her to shave.
What JRPGs let me watch the role of being the older woman seducing young boys?
>I'm 28.
pretend you're younger retard
>tfw no Sae
She was a shitty person who let a girl get abused by her colleague to the point where said girl tried to kill herself. She deserves only to fall further into misery and do hardcore jav.
Isn't that the female teacher option in the new fire emblem game?
Even after graduation high school, whenever I play a game where I play as a highschooler I always just automatically revert to the mindset of
>I am playing as my teenage self. I am 17 right now. In the world of this game I am 17.
I don’t understand why this is hard to do or understand for other people.
Byleth is only 21
Oh yea. Odd how her social link mentions that kid but not Shiho.
whatever dude. post makoto
But why
>Inb4 teacher/maid
When did Ryan become a symbol for this?
Is it because of fake AI waifu?
I'm sure there are some single 28 year old teacher thots on tinder you can meet that will fill that role.
Pack it up boys, it's late night weeb hours now: the time when half the Zig Forums threads are insta 'hide' worthy.
hey LOSER, I asked The Main Man Chuck Norris himself about you ,,,, hey says, you need to stop playing videogames and get, a REAL girlfriend!!
This is my kinda thread.
Why even bother when you can't obtain the superior version of Sae?
would you bang or leave?
Can you actually romance Sae in Royal?
>no kids, no tattoos and no dyed hair.
Good thing you checked all those things, but did you checked that she has no penis?
Bang bang bang god FUCK
bio fem
Kill yourself
Make a loving family with
You better get to banging right away then those eggs only have a few good years left
I'm not worried. My aunt had her kids at 40 and they're all genius level. I have superior Jewish genetics. Apart from the autism.
>Have to fuck every single day because there's a close deadline
God older women are the best.
Answer me faggots