What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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Good games don't need major price drops.

The Raven campaign was terrible. It took up half of the game and was overall unsatisfied and unnecessary.

I couldn't deal with getting no medkits in Act 3 of Raven campaign. Fuck me I don't know how speedrunners can deal with this shit

Poor marketing, low budget and shitty graphics/story
MvCI could've been big. What a shame.
>Rocket Raccon pretending to know Dante and them being friendly all of sudden was cringe

MVCI was low effort garbage with tons of Disney meddling involved on top of being an even worse fighting game than UMVC3. It deserved all the hate it got.

Damn near everything except the Netcode team for it and whoever was in charge of designing the brand new movesets (newcomers + Thanos & Venom, only stinker was Widow, maybe Gamora too). Anybody defending the mechanics themselves or the balance didn't play it/follow it competitively long enough to understand that it sucked by that metric.

Sigma is my favorite character in the MvC series to play as and Infinite's rendition of Nemesis is better than 3's (and Nemesis is my favorite character in 3). This doesn't make Infinite a good game. It's either a 4 or 5 out of 10, depending on how much you weigh the story mode & music being a pile of shit.

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>graphics look like ass
>smaller roster than UMvC3
>Capcom side is a mishmash of quality
>Marvel side is literally all MCU shilling except for Ghost Rider and Nova
>X, Sigma, Monster Hunter finally in MvC and Venom makes a long awaited return... but they’re stuck in this turd
>oh also they canceled the DLC plans when they realized everyone hated it so the character select screen is off kilter and looks like shit

$20 is still too much

Look as that tasteful sun bleaching.
The double stickers.
Oh my God, it even has magnetically sealed packaging.
The Marvel game just can't compete.

No matter how much better Shinkiro gets the way he draws faces is eternal

Graphics, Loss of X-Men, and Functions-tier marketing, on top of the appearance of DBFZ, doomed it completely. It never had a chance.

>urgent reminder

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Anytime a GraphixDoesn’tMatterFag appears I always point them towards this game

Its always so fucking weird seeing these old games in stock so long after relevancy.

Theres been a copy of Third Birthday at my local Walmart for as long as I can remember. The only remaining PSP game, for $30.

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Cory wasn't in the house.

Cory in the House is a meme game and has value.
Pic on the right is just another fighting game is a endless sea of fighting games.

Prices are about right

The only ONLY thing I know about this game is that Lightning had this costume in Dissidia Duodecim. Is this... is this a game about Lightning?

I think brea and lightning had the same va in japanese

>Fighting Game Comunity: New Marvel Vs Capcom! Nice! I hope they let it be still our game instead Disney turning it into a commercial of their crappy films.
>Disney: We touched everything and demanded who was going to be on our side and how ugly Capcom's has to look.
>FGC: Well, fuck you.

>mfw certain FGC members said it was better than nothing

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>There are still Marvel Infinite defenders in 2020
We need a good new Vs game so this meme dies.

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whom is this and how can I get her to look at me that way

Ugly Artstyle
Capcom fighting games should return to 2D

UMvC3 & TvC look great though, and while having ugly models SFIV & SFxT had some solid art direction.

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>why didn't you play my game Zig Forums?

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>he found cory in the house for that cheap

Nothing, Cory in the House is an amazing game.

YW3 is like $100 while YW1 is

>>smaller roster than UMvC3
Will never understand this complaint.

Roster sucked but not because it was small. It sucked because there was no cool newcomers. Capcom's side was fucking bland and newcomer was the only one cool thing. Marvel's side was shitty MCU ad.

There was no small-frame hard hitting character (Jin Saotome, Iron Fist). No rushdown grappler like She-Hulk. For god's sake, there was only ONE rushdown typical character if Spidey can count as one - until that fucking DLC.

>Its always so fucking weird seeing these old games in stock so long after relevancy.

These big box stores don't have specific policies for games and treat them like any other media. A DVD from 2005 could still be relevant to sell in 2020. A PSP game from 2005 is not a relevant sale at all.

In high school around 2003 a friend was telling me about how he saw a Virtua Boy unsold at a Walmart. Those things came out in 1995!

MvC:I was during the dark times of Capcom. They hadn't gotten a sure footing yet and they tried but failed to get an in-house engine so they used Unreal. A lot of the ugliness of SFV and this game is due to them not being familliar with Unreal.

>What went wrong?
They didnt CVP it 4 more times.