Battle Brothers

Show me your company, Zig Forums.
These are the Mailed Serfs. They will take on any contract. Discounts for noble slaying.

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Can't be fucked to open the game and take a screenshot, but I want to talk about this game. It constantly feels like I'm one step behind the enemy. Contracts, even noble ones, don't pay enough to cover the costs of doing them, let alone to afford better gear and brothers. If I try to dagger some goons with good armor, my bros just get slaughtered. I've been playing with Legends and it only made things worse because if I take one step outside of the southern portion of the maps, I'll be ambushed by 60 goblins. I want to have fun, but the game won't let me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong.

When is the expansion coming out, by the way?

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August 13. Also what economic difficulty are you playing?

>Faggot misses nigger (chance:95, Roll:99)
>Nigger hits faggor for 30(Chance:10 Roll:1)
I fucking hate dice rolls in this game so fucking much

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I not playing right now. Waiting for desert expansion

Do you have a peddler in your party? They get some nice barter bonuses, they also have perk that lowers wages.

>win a ridiculous 13 vs 28 engagement against raiders
>lost my best bro in the process

I'm not savescumming but fuck me it still hurts

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>Contracts, even noble ones, don't pay enough to cover the costs of doing them,
He hired sellswords!

it always does


Some contracts are just not worth doing like escorting caravans or delivering packages to bumfuck nowhere. Take hunt down bandit missions as much as you can because those give fair pay and you get a chance to loot some nice weapons and armor if you play your cards right. Reminder to feed your guys 50-60 crown grain (they won't mind) and only buy tools if they're priced at 200-250 crowns.

Can't wait for the mudslime DLC so I can be disappointed that this game has zero content again

Did they drop that desert update?

Fug, didn't read Hope there are more desert monsters

I swear the famed item spawns hates me, I had a company running from citadel to citadel with shitloads of money and there'd either be nothing or garbage. Then the second I start a new run some bumfuck village has a perfect damage roll greatsword.

At least you didn't get a famed goblin boondock bow like me. inb4 HURR LOW FATIGUE fuck off

Even if you max out combat difficulty just go easy on the economic difficulty. Being able to handle lower payouts requires being able to win fights with minimal losses. And I'm talking low armor damage, not low deaths.

that's 300-400 crowns more than a normal gobbo bow would sell for if you got it off a champion. Though if you got it off the camp drop it is probably second only to the named whip in being pointless.

>Pick Deserters
>Don't spawn with shields

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>get hit
>20 resolve vs morale break roll
>deserter starts running

>A thug stands next to them and they shit themselves


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>2 Deserters spawn with Greedy, 1 with Gluttonous, one of the melees have Pessimist and the other has Superstitious
>First recruit spawns with Greedy and Fear of Beasts

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but no worries the deserter background gets the same melee attack ranges as miltiamen while also costing more :^)

If you recruit deserters you deserve to suffer.

But I really like going first

>start game
>get raped
>learn the ropes
>go Northern Raiders origin
>annihilate game
It was easy mode, with three god tier fighters and monk dedicated to become sergeant.
Rolling with Davkul this time, definitely unique experience.

I tend to keep polehammer bros in second line and make them annihilate enemy armor. HP is not that important (that means 70ish is okay) then. In first line two handed hammer is better option, just saying. Two of them on flanks is more than enough.

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As someone who likes games like advance wars and xcom, is this game something I would enjoy? Is it tactical or more about long term rpg strategy?

>Is it tactical or more about long term rpg strategy?

You would like it.
Wait a week though, expansion is coming and everything should go on sale.

>Is it tactical or more about long term rpg strategy?
I'd say both. Fights are rng as in XCOM but not as much as people tend to talk about them, you need to pick your fights right. Long term strategy is keeping your company fed and with repaired equipment, finishing better paid (and harder) contracts first for village elders, then nobles in their tall castles.

Vet/Vet is the only thing that feels right and balanced

this. beginner is too easy and expert/expert is just a slog that forces you to cheese hard and use unfun strats like mass armor stealing because the contracts just dont pay that much to be worth the tools and ammo

>play the game
>reach the point where humans are replaced by monsters
>lose every tyme

That's called late game crisis user and you probably rolled undead/orc one.

Not even there senpai, im talking about roaming trolls and other non humanoid shit

Schrats, Lindwurms and unholds just don't pay enough contract and lootwise to be worth the risk.