Just letting ya’ll brehs know that in AC2 you can actually reach the top of the Doge’s palace outside of that...

Just letting ya’ll brehs know that in AC2 you can actually reach the top of the Doge’s palace outside of that assassination mission

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Yeah and?

doge heh

Just felt like letting you lads know

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Keep it to yourself, furry

thanks m8, much appreciated info

>ya’ll brehs

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B-but I’m not a furry

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AC2 and Brotherhood are the best AC games

Random gaming tips thread? In Titanfall 2 on the map Boomtown, Northstar can use Hover several times to get to the very top of the tower in the center of the map just across the bridge. It's completely useless and leaves you completely exposed to being easily destroyed, but neat nonetheless. Hover can be used to get into a lot of funky spots.

Syndicate is also kino.

AC2, Brotherhood and Syndicate are the best AC games

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based thanks for the info OP

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No, that would be Unity.

>Play the game how we tell you or desynchronize
So glad the new ones dropped that shit

Reminds me of that hidden area in MW2 multiplayer on Skyscraper were you parkour your way up very specific places so you can reach the top of the map

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Literally the only jump like this in the entire series (played them all). Took me probably 10-15 minutes to figure out.

Unity’s Paris isn’t as comfy as comfy as Syndicate’s London

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Don't you have to go out-of-bounds?

No, you just have to slowly walk up to some wall then glitch yourself up the wall to grab onto a ledge

Thanks, appreciate it.

y'all ready for that viking stuff?

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>How about Assasins creed, but, hear me out, without assasins?

That’s been good my on for a while now?

I prefer Paris but to each their own.

I'd be more interested in it if it wasn't so similar to Odyssey and I hadn't burned out on Odyssey recently.
That game overstays its welcome, it's too fucking big and it drags on too long. I had to force myself to finish the base game and I only made it to the end of the first episode of the Atlantis DLC before I said fuck it and went to play RDR2 instead (which I enjoyed a lot more).
I might pick up Valhalla a few years from now if I feel the itch to get back to AC.

You assassinate more people in Odyssey than any old AC

>hidden blade is in
>stealth attacks are lethal again
>hood is in
>social stealth is in

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Valhalla isn't gonna have sidequests in the same way as Odyssey they're making the main story bigger. They said it wouldn't make sense for a Viking to do sidequests for locals who don't trust them.

i will never understand why people had trouble with this i was using that technique all over the place before i got to this part

It not just about sidequests. It just looks too similar to me in how it plays (combat especially), it reminds me too much of Odyssey, a game that I'd very much not want to go back to.

>They said it wouldn't make sense for a Viking to do sidequests for locals who don't trust them.
oh so now they care about what makes sense?
its weird they chose this exact thing in this exact game to suddenly give a shit about that, its not like it makes sense in all of the others games and other retarded aspects especially in the newer games need the "sense" much more