Learning Japanese with videogames

Anybody else learning Japanese with videogames?
What are you currently playing?
Pic related is what I'm going through atm

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bump, weebs welcome

Yes but weeb games usually remove Japanese text from the western release

I feel like these days most consoles and game releases even on steam usually have multiple language options including Japanese. Sometimes you have to change the console language to Japanese though.
I don't have that problem cause I live in Japan, but I've definitely had a lot of international releases with Japanese as well before moving here.
What are you playing user?

Attached: Untitled.png (1536x864, 788.42K)

I'm on a quest to play lots of obscure survival horror games that were only released in Japan.
I'm currently on 夕闇通り探索隊 (just got started though).

You mean 夕闇通り探検隊? Looks pretty interesting, I love obscure old Japanese games that were never ported to the west. It's like discovering a whole new world of videogames.

Xenoblade 1 and 2, FF7R. All of them have terrible localizations and no option for Japanese text

Sure, 15 years ago. I also learned English from video games.

>Xenoblade 1 and 2
Focus on 1 then 2, dipshit

Yeah, it's very interesting. It's the spiritual successor to Twilight Syndrome and retains the gameplay mechanics (which are unique within the series in my experience).
The only problem is that it was rather expensive to procure a copy as it is a genuinely rare title.

I'm also interested in 学校であった怖い話.