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Why is casual racism against white people just accepted now, unironically?

i would let a black woman calll me cracker anytime she wanted

What is racist in that image

>tfw no brown qt to tease me and insult me for being a pathetic white boi

R*ddit institutionalizing it and rewarding people for that kind of behavior.

Anti-white jealousy coming to the global consciousness of subraces but white's haven't really caught on the more sinister undertones and intent.

Bing Bong Wahoo Pedo Ultimate

Is there a porn edit?

cracker is literally a slur, say that at work and you're fired in half an hour

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>tfw no chocoqueen to call me cracker and for me to call nigger

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She didn't say it, that's a thought bubble.
Stop kneejerk reacting to everything. I guess snowflake outrage culture really is a thing.

>its a thought bubbles
you're retarded, the artist literally wrote that dialogue, please kill yourself

To be fair she's only thinking it.

What's surprising is that the guy isn't calling her a coon in return.

>the artist literally wrote that dialogue
that's an edit dumbass

Stop being a cracka

The edit where he’s thinking “Bring it nigga!” is better

This is pretty good too

This is a really stunning work of art.
I really like how if you read into it, you'd notice that the man is wearing a shirt with the wario logo and colors. If you had noticed that, then the reveal that he'd want to play as Wario latwr on really pays off

This never bothered me. I think it sounds retarded.

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Yes, we must come to a point where we can both say Nigga and Cracka as terms of endearment.

I'm Wario


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Do you want to censor it? Maybe making it a little more politically correct?

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not an edit

the guy who edited it to say cracka was probably white lol

It's an edit you outrage tourist

Shut up nigger, don't all caps me.

As usual, marginal humor is better than what's taking up the rest of the page.

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the fucking shape of his head in the first panel



this is the worst fucking artstyle

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>Why is casual racism against white people just accepted now, unironically?
You can be racist against whites, just not in a way that actually matters.

Do you seriously believe nigger and cracker are equal in power?

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I'm waluigi

60 years of ((((socialist)))) brainwashing and subversion by the frankfurt school

That's not to mention the interplay between the 4 panels of the comic (which are cleverly aligned and arranged in a square) and how that plays into the deeper allegory of spiritual duality and the 4 Hippocratic humors

Looks like one of those infant Disney princess dolls with a wig and beard.

Because white people aren't as fragile as black people.

Holy white fragility


>Global rules
>Zig Forums

Because white people are literally Hitler.

>Do you seriously believe nigger and cracker are equal in power?
Not him, but yes.


This is the gayest image I've ever seen
Grow a spine retard


It is literally impossible to be racist against white "people".

>no "this isn't smash brothers. This is anal sex!" edit.

Me when I entertain the thought of bedding a black chick

I thought race didn't exist

Cracker is a non-insult because white people are at the top of the racial totem pole. Insulting someone for being white is like insulting them for being rich or beautiful

>call HR to make a complaint against a co-worker
>they ask me to elaborate on the situation
>say I was called a racial slur with a hard r
>suddenly my office door flings open and no less than 5 people in suits come scrambling in
>they see me and are confused
>ask me if I have seen any victimized people of color in this room
>explain that I am the victim and that I was called a cracker with a hard r
>get fired for abusing company resources the next day

American over here

Here is a idea none of you humans could do just stop talking about racism just stop talking about it lol. Never bring up race ever again and problem solved but you can't so stay mad.

And is anyone going to take the moment to appreciate the fact that the artist took the time
to draw the Super Smash Bros.™ for Wii U logo on the t.v. in a very detailed and accurate way?
It may not even be traced for all we know. True craftsmanship.

>Do you seriously believe nigger and cracker are equal in power?
oh so now racism exists on a spectrum all of a sudden

>colorblind racism

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oh cool
guess you guys will be alright if I post this.

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Basically this. You can only be racist against inferior races, "insults" like cracker don't hold any weight to them.

Saying cracka is not racist just like saying nigga is not racist. This is called banter.
you oppressed white man.

>4 Hippocratic humors
>The Greeks believed that the body was made up of four main components or Four Humours. These Four Humours needed to remain balanced in order for people to remain healthy. The Four Humours were liquids within the body- blood, phlegm, yellow bile and black bile.
This is some David Lynch shit.

Me no like grugs that no look like me. Me good. Not me bad. Me no happy until all not me grugs gone and me have world to me self. Unga bunga.

that is extremely racist lmao who the fuck do you think you are to be the arbiter of anything kek

That's the pole calling the post a pillar if I've ever seen it.

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>that is extremely racist lmao

Because black fragility is real and they don't want you to acknowledge it

ayy lmao

It looks like the baby grinch edits that were a meme on Zig Forums a couple of years ago


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>saying nigga is not racist
please walk into southside chicago and say nigga once thanks

>Do you seriously believe nigger and cracker are equal in power?

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>not being racist is racist!

>Cracker is a non-insult because white people are at the top of the racial totem pole
That makes no sense. When someone insults you for your race, the purpose is to be insulting. Nobody is thinking about where you are in the imaginary racial sjw pole.

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racebaiting=Zig Forums
Read the rules fag

Nigger is an insult because niggers are inferior and they know it. Cracker can't be an insult because white people are superior