>steam friend messages me
>reply back to him
>immediately goes offline
Steam friend messages me
>having friends on Steam
>friend messages you
>message them back immediately
>they take 7 hours to get back and continue the convo like nothing happened
>message friend after a long time
>says nothing and immediately unfriends me
it was a girl gamer as well so all I can assume is that she thought I wanted to fuck her
That's just what people do nowadays. Apparently you're a tryhard if you reply instantly.
Is Limmy still doing okay? I’ve been diving into his show lately and was wondering where he was applying his comedic talents nowadays.
all 10 of my steam friends were last online between 1 year and 13 years ago
And then they act like you're being clingy when you tell them how rude that is. Or they just straight up go offline because they don't want to say sorry.
He streams now while his chat fucks him over constantly.
This has been done to me, but I do the same thing too so I cannot complain
Not everyone is a loser who spends the entire day at home waiting for a message.
I do it too because its been done to me. I became the very thing I loathed.
>steam friend
>last seen online 5000 days ago
It couldn't possibly be the fact that they had shit to do and just didn't feel they need to tell you about it, could it? I do this all the time to people on Facebook, normally because I'm at work.
But does that mean I tell everyone who messages me "hey i'll reply when I can, busy atm"? No. I just fucking deal with the shit going on in my life until I can resume because that's what's adults do, friends will understand, retards will not.
>steam friend tries to turn me into a tranny
Why send a message in the first place then?
Get this: occasionally people get in touch with me. Crazy, I know.
I called out some of my irl friends for doing this and they all acted like I was the selfish one for wanted a quick response. Like shit I understand if you're busy but it takes two seconds to say "busy rn". I just feel like shit when it seems like I value our friendship more than they do if they think me wanting to not feel ignored is "being emotional" and "over dramatic". It's fucking common courtesy. For your friend. Just don't make me feel like shit. That's it.
Do you not understand the question?
it's over
>steam friend messages me
>is a girl that I added months ago while playing CS
>literally never again played togheter and or talked after that time
>"hey user, how are you? what are you playing?"
>wait, what, bitches don´t just casually start conversations
>what does this one wants?
>after a short chat she asks me for the csgo boxes I have in my inventory
>i fucking knew it
>proceed to unfriend her
I can only imagine how many simps she got this way
>stopping whatever youre doing to answer some fag on steam
Learn to read, nigger.
>12 years ago
Yes I did.
>"Why send a message in the first place?"
> "Because people message me, I catch up when I can"
i peaked then
Are you an AI that can only remember the last post it replied to? Read
we are part of the problem
Smart user.
I had a girl I knew way back get in touch with me on Steam no less and get really flirty with me. I used to have a huge crush on her in HS but she never gave me the time of day. We became a sort of long distance couple and I made plans to move her to my place. Went on for six month. Then I found out she was a single mom of two kids from two different dad's who was only looking to get with me because I was the only person she "knew" that had the cash to support her. I was honestly devasted for a long time until I realized what a bullet I dodged
He's still doing his show.
Maybe your friends are calling you out because you're acting like some dumb cunt they're dating. "Ummm sweetie... Did you just NOT reply to my text?"
Fuck off out of here with this fucking beta-male, needy, desperate for attention ass shit. It's pathetic.
Absolute retard.
Oh yeah man no problem totally my bad. I guess it's beta male behavior to want to feel like the people you appreciate treat you the same way. Fuck me for wanting some courtesy, right? I should have known better than to think the modern person is so fucking vain and self centered that they'd take personal offense at being asked to be considerate. Again, my bad bro you're totally the one in the right, haha.