i haven't played a "real" video game in like 6+ years, but i saw this one, and it looks really cute. would it be a good game for someone who's just getting back into video games?
Little witch nobeta
it's really funny
Is your only requirement to like something "It's anime"? If so, this is a great game for you. If not, nah it's pretty forgettable.
It's a mediocre Soulsborne clone that became popular due to shamelessly pandering to pedophiles; so, it's up to you.
i like games that look nice and aren't insanely complex to play. i want to play games to relax, not for sport like some people do
i've never played those games before. are they very difficult?
user you're not fooling anyone with your mediocre bait
Soulsborne games are trial and error: the series. So no, they are the last thing you want to play if you want to relax.
if you want to play a game to relax play a city builder or sims
sorry it seems like bait - i never post on Zig Forums...
okay, thank you. that is actually pretty helpful. are they bad even on easy mode (if they have one)?