Microsoft's "night of mic drops" was perfectly sandwiched between two PlayStation shows that absolutely fucking destroyed them.
Sony is acting as if they have a fierce and worthy competitor while Microsoft seems to think they're the only console on the market.
It's time for another manufacturer to replace the Xbox. They no longer deserve a place in the console market.
Microsoft's "night of mic drops" was perfectly sandwiched between two PlayStation shows that absolutely fucking...
Have fun with your $70 mandatory purchase, unrepairable controllers, snoy.
massive cope
this shit is pathetic. Atleast they know their audience
They literally didn't show shit today you delusional retard.
ps5 has not games though.
The problem is that all these games look like the current gen.
All the ps5 games are late ps4 games that were moved to ps5 to give it a library after microsoft forced their hand with the xSex. It is no secret that sony wanted to wait another year for next gen.
You haven't even bought your $800 paperweight that only has a butchered Demon's Souls remake yet, why are you already coping with buyer's remorse?
I'd love a new console on the market but the only people with the kind of money to pull that off are China or a giga-rich American company like Apple or Amazon. I think Apple could legitimately make a worthy console they'd probably just do a shitty Stadia-like service instead
>Have fun with your $70 mandatory purchase
That's literally everyone except maybe Nintendo and their games are expensive enough as is.
>obscure overprice indie shit on the shovel ware store
sony wins again baybeeee
i still remember when sonyyniggers used to brag about power on the PS3
Think of your iphone as a "console"
Both are locked down, tranny media boxes. Get a PC.
PS5 has no games.
Two different marketing strategies: Xbox offers services, and PS5 shows games.
I figured MS is struggling to find developers for the hardware to show anything.
Pc bros won again
>PS5 shows games.
dang so the xboner has zero exclusives
But Series X will have dozens more games than PS5 at launch
What the fuck is all this shit? Who gets hyped for any of this
Wait 3-5 years into the generation to buy anything.
That's the rule user
How about just never buy these shitty consoles.
Dont say this, it makes Contraions on Zig Forums seethe that the console they have to shill for is so fucking bad.
>exactly zero xbox exclusives
why would anyone buy this
>playing on pc
No thanks
So the only noteworthy game PS5 is launching with is Spiderman DLC/Expansion?
Is Sony going to pull and Xbox One and fuck themselves over?
Best selling games of the gen aren't exclusive
And having to pay for games
Both are shit, and this competition is a race to the bottom.
Daily reminder real Xbox gamers like myself want Playstation to dominate so you act as the great filter for normie casual zoomer faggots all going for the hottest popularity contest electronics! Xbox remains tight and hardcore with cooler people and more skilled gamers. Thanks! Here's to another gen in last place xbros
they also aren't a reason to get the xbox
but then if microsoft has another conference after this that means they're sandwiching sony.....
this makes no sense
Wow look at all those PC games.
Remind me why this console exists.
I know you're a shitposting retard but please take a few seconds and explain
They are.
Xbox has the better hardware and services on console
Yeah because it totally happened for sea of thieves?
>Xbox has the better hardware and services on console
source: your ass
>It's time for another manufacturer to replace the Xbox. They no longer deserve a place in the console market.
this but unironically. xbox is a non-entity at this point, it's pretty sad
>lmao Shitch owners latch onto PC for multiplas and AAA games, how embarrassing! PS4 is all you need!
>lmao Xbox has no exclusives, I can play all their games on PC!
I like how the person posting this is the exact opposite of their reaction image. Clever little girl vs fat greasy old autist