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If you own the Steam version you already got the GoG version free.

Thanks man.

Based gog, thanks for not being a faggot for once OP.

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Is it worth the harddrive space? Never played any of these games, always heard combat was trash

combat is mostly auto-pilot but can be sort of fun.

story and meh branching paths (something you do in this game can have an effect on the third )is where its at

It's got a decent story, lore, and characters.
I liked 2, 3 I am having a hard time getting into.

The combat is trash. When 2 came out, the nearly unanimous piece of advice always given was "read the wiki for 1's story synopsis, then skip it and play 2." The problem is, 3 came out and was wildly successful, so every contrarian fucknugget crawled out of the woodwork to claim that either 1 was the best one, or worse, that 1 was the only good one, despite it being kinda shit.

Thanks, m8. I actually have a cd version from 2007, but I will probably need to install patches on top of it.
Cool game, I still didn't play the neutral path.

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Combat grows on you after a while. The game is objectively bad in many areas.

>Bad voice acting
>Bad combat
>Bad graphics
>Bad animations

But it oozes atmosphere and has great writing. I personally rank the games as 3>1>2. Witcher 2's combat is arguably worse because it is a really poor Souls/Bamham style of combat.