Street Fighter V

The greatest comeback story ever told...?

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gameplay still a bit shallow. it's gonna depend on that new mechanic for me

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Same here, it's much improved from the early days though. I don't think I'll ever be able to get over the reduced move lists.

I think the last season will be the best season.

Glad Rose, Akira and Oro made the cut. I'm a bit surprised they're doing Dan again rather than bringing in Sean, though.

I tried it for about 2 hours, did some trials and training mode stuff with Laura and haven't touched the free trial since.

calling it now, last character is either makoto or a crossover character like terry

No comeback until Ingrid or Dudley.

how u figure?

The last DLC is someone from Tekken (Kazuya, Jin Kazama) or Snk (Kyo, Iori, Terry, Ryo)

SFV is better than SF4. It teaches the basics and emphasizes the fundamentals. 4 is good but too much of winning depends on using FADC, which inherently favors certain characters. 5 is a good balance.

I take it that Karin costume just ain't working out for you...

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It's at the point where I will say that the game is decently enjoyable to play but there are some problems with the game's core design that just can't be fixed.
Also as much as I like the idea behind Ken's redesign it doesn't change the fact that he looks like shit in game.

As well as it worked for Gill fans.

>shoveling in a bunch of characters in a game that has 40 of them somehow redeems a shitty game
rosterfags are a blight upon fighting games

>adding literally who dead game girl and rose when menat is in the game
Imagine not adding the final three missing sf ii characters.

>Ask people pre-launch which character they wanna play
Every poll puts Makoto at 1 or 2
>Ask People after launch which DLC character they want
Makoto is put at 1 or 2.
>Ask this every year.
Still at 1 and 2.

wtf? I honest to go don't understand this, why would they go out of their way to step around her like this? Don't they want money?

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Why do people want to play a gimped version of Makoto?

they want people actually playing the game

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Just downloaded RS for my FC2. Someone rec me a good team

Is being a Makotofag a disease or just a mental illness? I need to know if I have to stay 6 feet away from you or not.

>to play a gimped version of Makoto?

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>Don't they want money?
They’ll get the money either way stupid. Fighting fans are major paypiggies

Any good SF games to play on PSP? Including CFW SF games on psp

Alpha 3 Max

You're obviously already a schizo so you should do people a favor and just stay away from everyone.

You could try searching for SF EX eboots. EX2 is pretty fun

You can push this meme as hard as you want. It will never work. Not even the predictable lackluster SFVI will make this game any better.

The game was an absolute mess on release. And before you say "It's a mess now lmoa" you clearly don't remember how bad things used to be.

the word is "lie" user, you don't have to use "meme" for anything that isn't the truth

Street Fighter V sucks donkey dick and if you think otherwise you haven't played many fighting games at anything past scrub level:

-Make stages tiny so you get cornered easily.
-Make corner carry obscene so you get cornered easily. Give some characters the ability to combo into a corner carry special off buffered lights for good measure.
-Nerf defensive options across the board so your only real options are to block or risk losing the round on an attempted throw tech.
-Make pushback on block minimal so you have to block extended pressure strings.
-Make you take grey damage for having the audacity to block in a game where that's your only option on defense.
-Make V-Trigger activations plus on block so you can do even more blocking, extending pressure alone would be a powerful effect in a game with such garbage defense but ALSO have V-Triggers unlock the unga version of your character to force guess for game situations.
-Make dashes fast and occupy the same range as jump ins so every round is a reaction check for unga bullshit.

It goes on. SFV is an embarrassingly badly designed fighting game.

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>SFV is a prequel to 3
>his turtle probably died

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exactly bro, it sucks dick

now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go play tekken and practice my 60% wall to wall combos

>tfw you're old enough to remember posts like these about SFIV from Turd Strike players

it appears in one of his SFIII fight outros, doesn't it?

Literally look at the state of Guilty Gear now

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for some reason I'm getting really strange slowdown with this game on PC, not while fighting anybody. motion is all muddy and I swear background artifacts are distorted around my character.