Why do normalfags want a yandere game?

Why do normalfags want a yandere game?

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If you're a westerner and know what yandere means then you're not a normalfag.

You are wrong.


wish more stories went like this irl one where she goes to jail completely satisfied.

What differentiates somebody from being normal these days? Since normal people today are a lot odder thanks to reddit and youtube, what defines a "weirdo" these days?

someone who doesn't use them

Someone you disagree. In all seriousness, the line gets more and more blurry. Before you'd expect Zig Forums to be the kinda userbase that share shit like gore but even facebook has people doing it now, even more so than this site.

Anyone who doesn't masturbate to loli, is NEET, or has friends are all disgusting shallow poser normal fucks.

These days I am the weirdo because I dont use social media.
What a world