>competitive turn based game
>opponent starts losing
>they let the turn timer run out as much as possible to waste the victor's time
What game popularized this childish shit? I abuse the automated report system each time someone does this to get them at least a temp ban.
Competitive turn based game
resign if your time is that valuable (it isn't)
>do a thing
>get inconvenienced
>"dude just don't do that thing then"
What a high quality post, thanks for contributing.
This happens in FIFA a lot.
If you don't actively play the game for a set period of time you are booted from the match automatically.
People still waste others time by watching every cinematic, holding the ball etc.
There are also people getting heavily beat, putting rubber bands on their controllers or placing them on the floor to make sure that an input is constantly being registered and then leaving the other person to sit through a long game with no active opponent.
sounds like you don't have the mental fortitude for mindgames. hope you get banned for your frivolous reports.
glad I dont play competitive turn based games so I dont have that problem
It's meant to frustrate you into quitting and giving them the win.
Winning is all that matters, no matter how you achieve it.
Doubt any specific game did this. It's just natural human salt. Have that shit happen to me all the time in Magic Arena, it's why I always have something on in the background while playing.
Surely, nobody actually quits just because some asshole is taking all turn to do literally nothing, right?
I hope I find you in a game somewhere and get you b&, retard
hope I find you in a game so I can go take a shit when it's my turn to move.
Enjoy your loss and your ban.
I used todo this in yugioh duel links. Got several wins that were definitely loses.
Depends on how long you have to wait. The roper might be hoping your mindset is that you'll be getting more wins if you just leave now and find a new game. Or if the game is completely decided yet they're just trying tilt you or put you in a false sense of security so you make more ballsy plays to try and end the game quicker.
enjoy seething at the screen while I take a fat satisfying dump
>get into mtg
>winners are decided by money and angle shooting
>opponent is losing
>refuses to leave while hiding farms all over the map
>terran flies his buildings into the corners
StarCraft isn't turn based but I did something similar in a 4v4.
All of my teammates left because they thought it's a lost game but I managed to stretch to 4 hours and my opponents left.
Oh no you mildly inconvenienced me in a video game for a couple minutes and got banned on top of losing! How will I ever recover?
Bro the fact that you're acting like this is exactly why people do it
why would someone get banned? grow up, cunt
But I'm the one doing it to you, retard. Give me more (you)s
because I abuse the report system, read the fucking thread
sounds like that would be more likely to get you banned. nobody likes having to deal with a baby
victory by time out is a valid strategy if the game allows it.
>but muh wait times
if the opponent is really backed into the corner with no other options, they'll do whatever they can to mess with you and get you to lower your guard. If you're getting pissed than that means they're successfully getting in your head, increasing the likelihood you'll fuck up.
i used to do A LOT of gen iv wifi pokemon battling when the DS was the main handheld, and some people used to do this. i just waited
He has a point OP, a lot of moderators don't take kindly to false or egregious reports.
Yeah, because it's super easy to figure out almost a dozen different accounts on clients ran in vmachines are all me.
>opponent decides to waste your time and go jack off
>you go and waste your time filing multiple reports
wow you really showed him
oh wow you really did go full rage tard huh? why would you expose your balls like this? "Look at me, I get so pissed at timer abuse that I make different accounts just to report people"
fucking pathetic
A few minutes spent to ensure I don't see a person in-game for about a week? Sure, sounds fine to me.