I will now buy your game
I will now buy your game
Other urls found in this thread:
I do love petting animals in games.
fucking reddit tier garbage
if I were the developer I'd made it kick the dog into orbit
Don't cut yourself with all that edge, faggot.
based fuck dogs and fuck "muh furbaby" retards
Friendly reminder that pic related allows you to play fetch with dogs and pick up cats.
Imagine being upset over vidya dogs
You're a nigger faggot
High IQ men have both, and kicking the dog gives you -7 karma, and if you lose too much karma you grow devil horns and people scream when they see you, and the dog's family comes for revenge, and this is all dynamic and none of it is scripted, that's the power of the engine we're building. Of course, you petting the dog is a good act, as it is free from malice, but who is to say that the dog is not evil? Perhaps hours later into the game, the dog betrays you. Or perhaps it becomes a faithful companion and leads you to treasure you may have never found otherwise. That's what we want players to experience with every choice: that their choices do matter, but that nothing is clearly black and white.
literally just cheap advertising so that 'Can You Pet the Dog?' twitter account with half a million subs will advertise your game
pathetic and redditcore to the extreme