Other urls found in this thread:
Destiny 2, maybe Skyrim or Pillars of Eternity later
School Rumble
Breaking Benjamin,Linkin Park,Skillet
Zig Forums
Women in Skirt Suits
Trying to fight off depression and schizo
Secret of Mana and Chrono Trigger on Snes9X
Batman TAS, Ed, Edd n Eddy, Samurai Jack and Binyot
Gonna watch Pom Poko tonight, have you guys got any suggestions for tomorrow for me?
My weekend playlist:
Bleach Chapter 431 and Batman: Year One
Penne and pesto for lunch
Pizza and fish-and-chip chips for movie dinner
Making some brownies as well
Water rn
Coke for movie dinner
Pic related
Whoops, I thought I was gonna start the thread, sorry.
unreal world
sons of otis
intel leak docs
cheese balls
AOE2's language filter is so outrageously offensive, so abrasively broken that i think i will never buy a microsoft game ever again. people dont even try to use the chat system anymore it is so awful.
A game of Overwatch or two. I'm wanting to quit. How badly its designed is kinda overshadowing the fun for me atm. I know that's not a controversial opinion here.
Apart from that, not sure. I don't really plan on vidya tonight.
My girlfriend talking to her boss about adding some SFX to something.
Doctor Fate (1988)
Chicken & rice
Leftover pepsi, water, beer
Nothing tonight.
Pretty good. I hope I can get this political job I applied for. Otherwise, working on web dev portfolio.
Fuck, I want some 'rathca but I got other hot sauce I need to finish.
Are you excited for the first person Pillars of Eternity?
Avowed ? possibly im getting it on PC
Fallout New Vegas, Metal Gear Solid 3, and Yakuza 2
Outlaw Star and Haibane Renmei
Violator by Depeche Mode
Sam and Max
Cheese Pizza
Protein shake
Horrible. I've been having these extreme emotional freakouts kinda like panic attacks for a few months now, but they've gotten incredibly bad as of late and I'm scared of them happening. I'm gonna try to talk to some close friends of mine to hopefully get some help.
I'd say check out Angel's Egg. Super weird but really good.
Yeah I was the same way for a while. I really enjoyed it even though it's designed so badly. Eventually I just uninstalled it.
>A game of Overwatch or two. I'm wanting to quit. How badly its designed is kinda overshadowing the fun for me atm. I know that's not a controversial opinion here.
you not enjoying the shield spam?
i will never understand why they thought 6 layers of defesne and healing was a good idea. the game is shit.
I started playing tank again, so double shield is always the last of my problems.
are the reasons I'm not liking the game atm. In that order.
have always been cancer
Modern Warfare, for some reason I can't get motivated to play many games anymore
Raubtier and Orden Ogan
Ride the Tiger
About to have KFC
Water or diet coke (not fat, just don't want the sugar)
Nothing, I'm trying to quit
Bored mostly, and a bit hungry
new blasphemous update, enjoying the hell out of it
watched Todesking yesterday, might Nekromantik 2 today
Led Zeppelin 3
The King in Yellow and other stories
had terrific sushi
beer, one of which my burps bring back the taste of that amazing sushi
no libido on anti-d's
currently not wanting to die
Enemy Genji nano'd and there's pretty much nothing I can actually do except hope my team daels with it.
Only on my team. Enemy Roadhogs are fine. They're always feeding retards.
There's nothing worse than watching a Hog try to flank, fail, feeding the Genji up to 50% ult instantly. Then run back in to try it again. Fuck me.
Ghost of sushi
Brawl in Cellblock 99
Streets of rage 4 OST
Mean Business of North Ganson Street
Ham Sandwich but want to try something new
Coffee as black as midnight
women as black as my coffee
Bored been up to long and im the type of tired that sleep wont fix. Anyone else just waiting for the next trump check to inject some fun in their life? Gonna reply in a different post.
Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, Crash N-Sane Trilogy, Crash Nitro Fueled and Persona 4 Golden
Just finished Madmen and i'm not watching nothing right now
Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys, some random City Pop stuff and some Random Vidya music
I was reading Foundation by Isaac Asimov but i stopped, i need to get back to it.
Nothing right now, i extracted my wisdom tooth and i can't eat almost nothing due to the pain
Cofee and Coca Cola
i'm fapping to a girl that i want to fuck
i'm felling a little weird because of the surgery but it's ok
Bouncing between Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris and Phantasy Star Online 2, both PC, nigga. Also doing Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross nigga
Mobile Suit Gundamn: Iron-Blooded Orphans nigga
See above nigga
See WATCHAN nigga
Not sure yet nigga
Coffee nigga
Not sure if I will or not nigga
Tired as shit. Haven't had a day of pure rest in weeks nigga.
Nothing currently.
Saint Pepsi.
Zig Forums and normiebook.
Had pizza for dinner bc I'm lazy.
Probably fat asses in a bit.
High as a kite and exhausted because I work all the time.
>> Blizzard....incapable of balancing something properly......surely you jest.
Hollow Knight
Lemon Demon
Zig Forums & twitter & discord
Granola bar
Gatorade crystals in water
Nah, not feeling it right now
Tired but hopeful
Don't know how serious it was but I wish you a speedy recovery from the surgery
Dusk and Brigador.
Gonna watch a movie from the "Wu Tang Collection" Youtube channel later.
Machine Girl 5 Hour mega mix.
I don't read, nigga.
Nothing, lmao.
Cheap Whisky on the rocks now and Water to prevent hangover later.
Drunk fappan is no fun imo.
Minish Cap, Banjo Tooie
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, old seasons
I'm good. Having the best year of my life
Overwatch with my GF , Apex Legends, Fire Emblem Three houses. Gonna try and finish Lost Sphear and then move on to Trails of Cold Steel, Also Bravely Second and Strange Journey Redux if I feel like playing my 3ds
Frankie Boyle's Tour of Scotland, Mitchell and Webb Situation, might start Tower of God or carry on with some Black Clover
Wes Montgomery, Charlie Too Human, The Official Podcast
RHEL Documentation, Everything is fucked by Mark Manson
Chicken with rice and cottage cheese
Monster Ultra Blue, Coffee, Pepsi Max Cherry
Pretty good! Got myself a Lenovo legion 5 with an RTX 2060 to take with me when I go away for work so I'm currently loading that with games. Weekends are Usually pretty quiet but I'm meeting up with friends for coffee tomorrow morning and my brother is hosting a big family BBQ Sunday so I'm looking forward to that.
Sorry about the panic attacks... sounds rough. How is Outlaw Star?
Is Sword art any good? Never played any of the games in the series.
Back to
It isn't bad. It has the standard SAO RPG problem of the first 10 to 15 hours are marred by horrible pacing and cut scene after cut scene after cut scene. Game play is solid though. They have updates planned with the most recent one introducing daily quests and new raid/dungeons and updated the AI learning AI controlled party members becoming quite a bit smarter. Still suffers from "long" load times and the camera can get pants on head retarded when in combat.
Hello lads
Been playing ghost of Tsushima, it’s pretty comfy to just wander around in
My hero academia, never really watched anime before but all might is just so fun to watch
Book about the Korean War
Gonna go have some yakitori
Water now, chuhai later
Not in the mood neighbors cute wife smile and said good morning while getting into her car today as I was heading out the door, still riding on that high
Shitty work week, gonna get fucked up with some friends tonight and go to a drift meet in the mountains tomorrow
>starship troopers and izze
Pretty good taste, I thought ad astra was kinda dull though aside from some very pretty scenes
Anything in particular that sets these incidents off? I used to have them too in my last job, was extremely stressed and not sleeping well.
I’m in Japan desu
Based, good on you for watching the sugar, I’ve cut it down significantly this past year and feel so much better than I used to
>beer and sushi
A man of impeccable taste
Dragon Quest V
Browsing /wsg/
Talk Talk
new One Piece chapter
Strawberries + melons
thinking about gf's body
gud. got back from holiday yesterday, can do whatever the fuck I like today
same. Lets keep it up user
Sorry about the panic stuff man. A problem shared is a problem halved, talk to some friends for sure
Everything here sounds very comfy, enjoy your day
Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition. Been playing through the game slower than most with breaks in between to play other games since I've played the original twice already. Just got to the Fallen Arm. Might continue my Majora's Mask playthrough later on since I'm on Great Bay and it seems like a cozy area to do for the hot weather.
Aurateur and later Zeldathon when it starts
Nothing in particular
Zig Forums threads
Not sure yet. Might be getting a wrap from the butcher's or a hotdog from the shops.
Nothing at the moment but will probably break out the honey Jack Daniels later on.
Just got fucked in the ass really hard and came hard so nothing for now
Cozy for now just lying in bed playan my Switch and enjoying the cool breeze of the AC, although my mom is asking when I'm coming round to visit next so not really looking forward to that. I don't hate her but my brother who lives with her is a huge cunt who I hate and she can be VERY talkative.
football manager, yakuza 0 (fuck i regret not getting into this series zoomer it is fantastic)
taking my switch over to a buddy's place to play some drunken smash bros or something later
nhl corona cup
baccara, boney m, random 70s and 80s pop tracks
Zig Forums
totally forgot about eating lunch might order kebab or something to catch up
alright, haven't been suicidal or treated myself to some light self-harm in over a month now
Destiny 2, will try Horizon when it unlocks. Hearing the port is pretty shit atm so we’ll see.
Unsure, between shows
Lofi comfy playlist
Zig Forums
Might grab some Chinese later
Vodka spritzer
Might later on
Pretty damn good
I copied a portable install of Halo onto my computer at work and have been enjoying that.
You're going to play 7 games in one day? I think you might have ADHD user.
Space Dandy
Shout by Tears for Fears, Eminence Front by The Who
Zig Forums
Sesame chicken
iced tea
not today
like a cunt. I got into some discord drama, unknowingly destroyed someone's life, then got applauded for it.