Name a flaw
Name a flaw
malfunctioning dpad
D pad
No analogue triggers and a mediocre dpad.
Really the only negatives it has.
Digital triggers
lackluster dpad, no gates on the sticks.
Is not halfway inside my asshole
It's sad, the shape is perfect, it's extremely comfortable and gyro is awesome, but no analog triggers suck so much, I'm a trials fag and it's sad that I can't play it with this controller.
The Xbox One Elite controller is the next great one, but lack of gyro is also sad.
It's like there is no perfect controller around, the PS4 controller is a bit crap, the analog placement sucks imo, analog shape sucks and triggers are not good.
I broke two of these playing Smash. I don't really know what to say, just an immature manchild.
inferior stick layout
Asymmetrical sticks
buttons too big, use the gamecube layout if you go that route. joycons would be better for most games if they didnt drift so easily
D-Pad and Drift
drift and d-pad. I don't care about the trigger since Nintendo games don't need them
Like it's a great controller and all but why is it more expensive than competitors and only work on certain games
>only work on certain games
what games? only one i know is mario party
I don't know like anything that requires separate gyros, Nintendo indicates what game works on the pro controller and what doesn't on the disk sleeves
gyro is the part of that extra cost that is worth it
NFC is the part of that extra cost that is a load of bullshit
But DS4 has gyro, analog triggers, a touch pad and it costs less
shit d-pad
digital triggers made of bendy plastic
plastic dust buildup around sticks
no audiojack
+- buttons are annoying to press
cheap spongy buttons
because it's nintendo
Pretty sure switch gyro is a bit more advanced
No back paddles or back buttons.
analogue sticks feel very stiff but it's a very minor gripe on my part
I am super disapointed they aren't standard next gen, I just wanted to be able to equip far more skills at once in the next xenoverse
This is a minor point, but I don't like nintendo's face-button setup where it's not a perfect diamond like on other controllers, with Y-A being further apart than X-B.
D-pad is straight up garbage. Drift on the left stick. Digital triggers. Non-color coded face buttons make it annoying 0to memorize where they are (particularly annoying if you're more used to xbox placements). The unique layout of the gamecube controller made this a complete non-issue btw. The only flaw of that controller is the octagonal sticks.
>have to download a billion bloatware programs to make it work on PC
Yeah nah
Getting the switch to wake up is retarded and requires some fort know code entry in morse code
pressing home button once should be enough
Needing to use a USB 2.0 adapter to even get it working on PC
??? That's all I ever do to wake it up. It just takes a few seconds to react.
I thought it had bluetooth like everything else
Yeah, they really missed the boat. There just wasn't enough noise made about them.
It's not that pretty to look at. Best controller I've used outside of that though and I use it to play everything with controller on PC as well as Switch.
The cable it came with worked fine with my USB 3.0 port.
D-pad is shit, should have just put the SNES d-pad in, can't be that hard.