I'm not leaving

>I'm not leaving
>but dude...this place is like, really big...
>ok I'm leaving
woah...so THIS is the power of Obsidian writing.

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>OP in charge of logistics

It's not how it goes, you convince Lanius that assimilating the NCR would weaken the Legion of its martial and collectivist values

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except that's pretty much how it goes

>OP: I'm a faggot
>But dude... did you try, like, not being a fag....
>OP is still a faggot

It sort of is the right choice, despite having a dam the constant tom fuckery of the NCR would make taking the Hoover dam a extremely sour victory.

I am astounded how many people complain about this. Why are you so surprised that a game with a speech skill, rewards you for having max speech by being able to use it in the final encounter?

This again?
Youre probably just not interested in games which talk about politics and philosophy

>Roman soldiers having swords within city walls

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