when i was a kid mgs taught me that colonel was pronounced kernel i still dont know why
Gabriel Gomez
when I was 5 or 6, Dungeon Keeper taught me the word "Idle". English is not my native language, so please excuse the relative ease of the word. I don't think it's necessary to define it.
Alexander Martin
I learned what monkey is from blues clues
Charles Gomez
Oh yeah, GTA Chinatown Wars taught me the word "Besmirched" which means stained, as in stained honor.
David Sullivan
Spanish speaking dude here. Through videogames I basically learned 75% of the english I speak now as an adult
Nicholas Foster
Way too many, but what springs to mind is the pronounciation of queue and melee. Who designed these words.
Colton King
i learned mine on Zig Forums. i think i'm okay in written form, but utterly suck at pronounciation. i learned orchard in poe. my favorite english word
Evan Torres
Fugg dude. A ton of words, I just can't think of a specific example. As an ESL, I've known English for as long as I remember, all thanks to Cartoon Network and video games.
Josiah Taylor
These two. Cartoon Network and Lucas Arts adventure games.