Vidya gaem english

OK, Zig Forums. It's time to show and tell all the words you've learned from video games.

DON'T look up the definition in a real dictionary.
DON'T look up the proper pronunciation.

Just pick a word that you didn't know until you saw it in a video game, and post what you think the pronunciation and definition are.

I'll start.

The item description for pic related taught me "indefatigable".

indefatigable - /in-duh-FAT-ih-guh-bl/ possessing an infinite reserve of energy; incapable of experiencing fatigue

Let's all laugh at each other for being fucking idiots.

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when i was a kid
mgs taught me that colonel was pronounced kernel
i still dont know why

when I was 5 or 6, Dungeon Keeper taught me the word "Idle". English is not my native language, so please excuse the relative ease of the word. I don't think it's necessary to define it.

I learned what monkey is from blues clues

Oh yeah, GTA Chinatown Wars taught me the word "Besmirched" which means stained, as in stained honor.

Spanish speaking dude here. Through videogames I basically learned 75% of the english I speak now as an adult

Way too many, but what springs to mind is the pronounciation of queue and melee.
Who designed these words.

i learned mine on Zig Forums. i think i'm okay in written form, but utterly suck at pronounciation.
i learned orchard in poe. my favorite english word

Fugg dude. A ton of words, I just can't think of a specific example. As an ESL, I've known English for as long as I remember, all thanks to Cartoon Network and video games.

These two. Cartoon Network and Lucas Arts adventure games.