>"Donald, don't!"
"Donald, don't!"
Other urls found in this thread:
>I gotta do it, dad. It's what I was meant to do
This is why Donald puts up with all the shit he goes through. His bitch girlfriend, his dickhead cousin, his greedy uncle, his troublemaking nephews, the crappy jobs, the constant misfortune, all of it. Because he knows he could utter one word and annihilate all of those motherfuckers and the galaxy they live in. He could do it at any time he wants to. And that thought gives him the strength to endure it all.
>"Donald, don't!"
>Donald Duck not only killed a man, but vaporized him so badly that not even his soul survived
Don Rosa once made a comic about Donald gaining superpowers, which he quickly realized were all completely useless for daily life and would only be to impress his nephews, who basically think he's the best regardless.
i thought it was cool
He could destroy the entire cosmos if he felt like it. And that's why he doesn't. No matter how much shit life piles on him, he knows it's nothing compared to what HE could do.
Yes. That's why Donald is the one person who truly deserves the kind of power Zettaflare gives him. Because he's wise enough to know not to use it.