games with this aesthetic? it's the project Notch has been working on
something about it gives off this feeling of mystery
Games with this aesthetic? it's the project Notch has been working on
soul beyond measure
I dig it. The dithering effect actually looks really neat. I don't know anything that looks similar.. maybe Daggerfall Unity?
Lost in Vivo
check out "walking simulator a month club". every level looks a bit different
this is peak atmosphere
this is awesome man, thank you
It's just a rendition of a 3d fractal with game lighting (and movement) applied. Not very impressive.
also Tail of the Sun has a unique atmosphere, I wish there was another game like that
Reminds me of that old space game, Noctis.
The rest of this thread is literally just 3D Perlin noise with game lighting (and movement) applied. Not very impressive.
Bros, I can't believe Minecraft 2 is real.
Minecraft 2 has a weird artstyle
Thread theme
it takes you back to the days when it felt like technology was really new and made you wonder about its future
soul manifest
Minecraft 2 mind
fuck off notch
also gib monee
Wonder how the gaming media/leftist Twitter is going to talk about the game if it ever releases since Notch is an un-person now due to being a """nazi"""
Reminds me of Noctis.
Noctis was the game No Man's Sky ripped off wholesale.
Is there any info on what kind of game this will be?
is he still working on it or is it just another dropped project like 0x10c?
notch could probably make another billion dollar game by himself if he wasn't so lazy
He'll never see MC levels of success again even if the game is the second coming of MC, he's posted too much wrongthink and said too much wrongspeak, they'll well and truly cancel him if he tries selling another game
if you think even 1% of the audience of Minecraft gives a shit about what he said on twitter you're delusional
The last update was on the 18th of July, so I'd say he is doing fine.
Maybe you should check the year.
Oh. Fuck.
You know exactly what'd happen. They'd use it as an opportunity to virtue signal and trash him as much as they can, tell everyone we're bad white people if we give him business, etc.
Absolutely none of the Minecraft userbase will give a fuck and it'll be a success anyway, and they'll eventually pretend they were on board all along so they can write articles for tweens on a popular title.
You're an idiot.
Minecraft's popularity was a confluence of a bunch of factors which can't be repeated.
He could certainly be the name on another billion-dollar game, but it would have to be a major Epic-style marketing production. Another solo tech demo isn't gonna do it, but it'd be reasonably popular no matter what.