Game presents you with choice

>game presents you with choice
>one option is objectively better

Attached: 120114223711ignazio_dark_messiah_ladies_1.jpg (626x728, 70.97K)

Xana is a miracle of the universe!

i want my demon waifu


Attached: xana.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)

I love the role switch - naive innocent girl (granted implied in just a few lines) is actually power hungry and wants to conquer the world. Succubus girl just wants you to be happy and free with you.

Annoying damsel in distress who betrays you at the drop of a hat vs Sultry succubus best pal who never betrays you and only turns hostile when you turn on her.
Yes, game. I totally want to forsake all power and be some human girl's whipping boy. That sounds so much better than sitting on your father's throne and smiting your enemies while your loyal and loving succubus wife curls herself up into your lap and nuzzles and coos into your neck and strokes your cheek.

Xana was your only true ally throughout the game. Demon Cortana earned her dicking through sheer loyalty.

right one is not shaved. So I would rather left.

i wish arkane didn't become sjw

I've played through the game literally 76 times and this is never mentioned or even hinted at. You've gaslighted yourself.

Unfortunately your autism will prevent you from ever actually experiencing a narrative.